Authors Note

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Yooooo what's hangin peeps

I'm Nia :D

I share this account with my older sis Mia (some of you may know her) but don't worry it's only me writing this fanfic (along with my friend who will write smut for you this book)

This is R rated (mature I mean, but if I put a rating to it, it would be R) because:

-smut scenes
-sensual scenes
-alcohol use
-drug/cigarette use
-possible self harm: POSSIBLE!!
-trigger thoughts
-possible suicide attempts: POSSIBLE!!
-BLOCKED OUT language (until you got to chapter 35, then I don't bother anymore lol)
-sexual comments/remarks

Please nice comments only! Voting and commenting throughout the entire book is highly appreciated :)

Updates come randomly and I do my best!

Love ya all so much! Thanks for choosing to read my story. It means a lot. :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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