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Ice Cream

*Yuu's POV*

I woke up the next day feeling sluggish.

It wasn't that I suddenly felt like being around Mika wasn't too bad that kept me down. Nope. It was mainly the nightmares of when that purple-haired weirdo.

Ferid, was his name?

The fact that he could come out of no where and bite me was too terrifying for me to muster up in the morning. Therefore, I wanted to stay in bed all day. Naturally, Mika argued with me.

"Yuu, you need to get up and eat breakfast. I'll make it for you."

"But..." I pouted, rolling over dramatically. "Please..."

Don't think I forgave Mika. Hell nah. I'm more like trying to gain his trust so I can escape.

But, you know how that'll turn out if I do it too soon. So, for now I'll stick around and stay low.

It's not that I don't care about Mika. Of course I do! I don't want to like never see him again. I just want to see my friends and live in my house.

But that won't happen unless I get the hell outta here. So I had to come up with a plan while I was laying awake last night in my thoughts.

And that's what I came up with. I really hope it works, because it's all I have at the moment.

"Come on Yuu," I groan. Mika sighs. "Get up, love. Let's go into the kitchen downstairs." I let him drag me out of bed and down the stairs.


I can barely stay awake as Mika feeds me my breakfast. I try to think of my escape plan as I forcefully chew on my eggs and bacon. Mika sees my struggle and sighs.

"Please, Yuu-chan. We can do something fun today, okay?" This sparks my interest.

"Like what?" I question. He shrugs.

"Whatever you want."

An idea suddenly comes to mind.

"Can we get ice cream?" I jump up. He laughs.

"Of course, there's an ice cream parlour not far from here."

"Yay!" I scarfed down my breakfast.


I sip my bottle of cranberry juice as Mika drives to the ice cream parlour. He reaches over and takes my hand, rubbing my Palm with his soft thumbs. His hand is cold, but it's kind of comforting.

His scent is all over his car, and for some reason that calms me. I'm also wearing his clothes which helps too. They're big on me but I kind of like that.

I like wearing his clothes.

Mika looks over at me which a small smile on his face. My cheeks turn slightly pink. I can't even focus my thoughts with him staring at me like that.

"Babe?" My heart jumps at the nickname and I can't even help it, no matter how mad I am at him.


"I love you."

I didn't know how to respond.


The ice cream parlour was crowded with vampires, since I forgot the tiny detail that we were still in the vampire realm. But there were some human options on the fancy chalkboard that had the menu written on it.

We got a lot of stares, since I'm a human and Mika's the king of these people. I felt kind of uncomfortable.

"Mika?" I tug at his sleeve. He smiles down at me.


"All these vampires are looking at us and it's scaring me." Mika laughs to my surprise. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because you're so cute," he pokes my cheek with his cold finger. "I'm not going to let anyone touch you." The possessive hint in his tone made me flinch.

But I muster up a playful scowl and cross my arms. He laughs again and ruffles my hair like I'm his dog.


After we wait in line for a couple of minutes, it's finally our turn. A friendly (shockingly enough) vampire is at the counter serving everyone their ice cream. When he sees me, he immediately says,

"The menu to the left has our human options." I force a weak smile.

"Thanks." The boy notices Mika and quickly bows his head.

"Good day, you're majesty." Mika gives him a small smile before scanning the menu.

Wow. Mika is respected.

I fiddle with my thumbs as I scan the options. I finally just decide on vanilla with rainbow sprinkles. Mika gets a blood-raspberry sorbet.

We get our ice cream, pay, and then head outside to eat on the outer tables. Mika pulls out my chair for me which causes me to blush.

"Thanks." I mumble shyly to him. Mika beams at me and replies with a,

"No problem!" It's silent for some time as we eat our ice cream.

"Mika?" Mika perks up at the fact that I'm starting conversation. It was getting kind of awkward.

"Yes love?" He gave me a comforting smile and nod of encouragement for me to continue.

"How big is the vampire realm?" Mika thinks for a minute.

"It's pretty big. Probably bigger than the human side." I frown at that.

"How long have you been king?" Mika closes his eyes in concentration. He then opens them and replies,

"Probably awhile ago, since my dad died. He died when I was like 14." My eyes widen.

"You became king at 14?" Mika frowns to himself.

"Yeah, I guess I did." I quickly backtrack when I notice how upset Mika seems at the moment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up a touchy topic. We can talk about something else if you'd like." Mika's frown turns into a smile. I just rub the back of my neck awkwardly. But, Mika snatches my hand away and holds it.

"It's okay, thank you so much for caring." Mika rubs my thigh with his free hand and I shiver in delight.



"Thank you for taking me out to ice cream." Mika brings my hand up to his soft, cold lips and kisses it lightly before placing it back on his thigh.

"No problem, love."

When we were done, we tossed away our garbage and headed to the car. It was a pretty good day so far.

Mika opens the door and I thank him while slipping inside. Mika climbs in on his side and starts the car.

But just as we're about to get going, something—no someone—jumps in front of the car.

Mika slams the breaks and everything goes black.


A.N. I'm so sorry for the long wait. :( please vote and comment! Thank you SO much for reading.

I want to let you guys know that I'm only going to block out "major" curse words bc small ones shouldn't be a problem for my story.

You know how Wattpad is. You set your story as mature but they still trash you if you have stuff in it. >.>



I love you all so much! :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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