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*Yuu's POV*

"Mika?" I asked as I watched him carefully. We were sitting on the bed in our room, watching a casual movie that was already on the telly.

"Yes?" Mika asked tensely.

"Are you okay?" Mika turned to look at me with a weak smile.

"Yes." He was lying.

After Mika and I had apologised to each other the previous day, we were starting to become closer and I was feeling more comfortable around him. He hadn't really ordered me around or was mean to me lately. He treated me with respect and care, which was quite shocking actually.

I admit, I was starting to enjoy his company. But I still couldn't fully forgive him, of course. He had done too much to me. But for now I was okay.

I still wished I could see my friends at least one more time to ask them how they are and to tell them that I'm okay now. But I can't. I probably won't ever seen them again.

"Yuu-chan?" I glanced up at Mika.


"Can you do me a favour?"

"Sure, what do you need?" Mika gulped.

"Can you get a bottle in the fridge in the white kitchen, labelled 'BOOJE' for me?" I blinked in confusion.

"Do you mean booze? Sheesh, Mika. Craving alcohol already." I shrugged and starting to get up.

"Wait stop!" I froze and turned around after I was at the door.


"Not booze, BOOJE. It's a concoction for vampires." I coughed awkwardly.


I retrieved it in the kitchen fridge.

When I got back to the room, Mika was rocking back and forth, nervously staring at the TV. I handed it to him and he took it in relief.

"Thank you so much, Yuu."

"No problem." I plopped down next to him, but he scoot away from me as he popped the cap off. I frowned.

He then put the top to his mouth and chugged it down immediately. My eyes bulged. What the hxll!

"Whoa, whoa. Slow it down there buddy." I said nervously. Mika looked at me with concern on his face. "What?"

"I'm really tired." He lied. "Can I have some space to lie down?" I squinted my eyes at him but the shrugged.

"Sure." I got up. "I'm going to go bother Lacus." Mika forced a weak smile to me.

"Good idea."


"I don't get it...he's acting really weird." I stated as I sat down on the couch in one of the fancy living rooms. Lacus just laughed, causing me to frown. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, Yuu."

"What?" I was clearly annoyed.

"He's craving human blood." My skin paled.

"W-What?" Lacus looked amused at my fear.

"Don't worry about it, Yuu. Mika is really good at controlling his anger."

"How so?"

"Well, he drinks BOOJE which is to control blood thirst. It has animal blood in it to control him."

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