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*Yuu's POV*

"Okay but I always pictured you wearing a dress for your wedding." Shinoa confesses. I turn around to frown at her.

"Seriously?" Shinoa grins sheepishly.

"Um...yeah. I also didn't expect you to marry a jackass." I sigh at her. It's expected that all my friends still hate Mika. Hell, I don't even fully forgive him and I'm the one marrying him. However, Mika hasn't done anything stupid and it's been a month since our engagement. So maybe he truly has changed for the better.

I turn back around to look into the mirror. Shinoa walks forward and fixes my bow tie. She sighs, a look of longing on her face.

"I thought you were going to marry me, Yuu-san." I look at her with sadness in my eyes.

"Shinoa, you know I'm gay," She suddenly busts out laughing and slaps me across the back of my head. I flinch and my head flies up to hold my now-sore head. I glare at her. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Yuu-san, I'M gay." She cackles. I start choking on air.

"You're WHAT?!" She tries to respond to me between giggles.

"You never noticed?"

"No!" I reply exasperatedly. She grins.

"Wow, I'm really good at hiding then." I blink at her.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" She shrugs.

"We had vampy issues. Remember? It wasn't necessary given our situation." I bite my lip.

"Y0u had to drop that bomb on me three days before my wedding?" Shinoa rolls her eyes at me and scoffs.

"Oh please, Yuu-san. It's three days before your wedding yet here you are struggling to pick a tux." I frown.

"Hey! It's between these two." I motion to the one on me and the one next to me, on my chair.

Shinoa picks up the one from the chair and puts them side by side.

"It's black or black. I don't see a difference." I glare at her and snatch the tux out of her hands.

"The difference isn't in the colour! It's in the style." Shinoa smirks.

"Still looks the same to me."

"Go away!" She laughs.

"Sorry if I'm no help, I don't know guy stuff." I toss the tux back on the chair and tackle her onto the bed.

"Shut up!" I yell playfully. We roll around, but Shinoa is obviously stronger than me and pins me down, her red eyes glistening with happiness. I'm glad she can be happy again. I've ruined her life enough already, haven't I?

She finally pulls back with a triumphant,

"I win!"

"You always win." I say with a roll of my hands. I go to sit up but apparently had no idea that my pant leg was caught on one of the four posters of the bed, and it rips with ease as I sit up.

I gawk as I watch the fabric tear up the middle of my leg until it reaches my thigh. Shinoa watches the whole time, and then busts out laughing.

"Now you know which one to pick!" She cackles. I glare at her and throw a pillow at her face. She catches it quickly and with ease. Stupid vampire reflexes.

"Go try that one on and then show it to Yoichi. He's dying to see." She says as she hops off the bed. I just huff at her in response. She throws me a sly grin before slipping out the door and shutting it behind her.

Not even a few moments later do I hear her yell for all the castle to hear,

"YUU'S PANTS SPLIT! OH MY GOSH IT WAS SO FUNNY YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT." My face turns bright red and I run to the door and lock it. I press my back against the door and slide down it, frowning at my split pants in embarrassment.



"It was so embarrassing." I say with a frown on my face. Mika just coos at my reaction and pinches my cheeks.

"Awww, my poor baby." He purrs. I pout up at him.

"She's so mean to me."

"I know, baby." He scoops me up and places me on his lap. I snuggle into his warmth. Surprisingly enough, his touch is very warm. He used to feel so cold to me...

I guess that's what love does.

Love. Do I love Mika? Even after all he's done to hurt me and the people I care about?

Well, love is messed up anyway. Isn't it?

"You do know that we have to start discussing our future together, right?" Mika brings up the topic I was trying to avoid. I glance up at him.

"Can't we talk about that later?" I ask with a frown on my face. Mika sighs at my reaction.

"Yuu-chan, we need to talk about this. If we don't, you'll keep getting older and I'll keep staying the same age forever." I glance down at my lap.

"I know, but...I haven't decided yet." Mika cups my face with his warm hands and forces me to look into his pretty blue eyes.

"Our wedding is in three days. After that, it will be our honeymoon. Don't you think that that will be the perfect time to do it?" I bite my lip.

"I...don't know." Mika caresses my cheeks with his soft hands and pauses to think for a moment.

"How about this," He starts. "Why don't I give you until the night after our wedding. Does that sound like enough time to decide?" Relief flows through me.

"Yes, that's perfect." Mika smiles at me.

"Good. Now come here." He pulls me closer and I smile and nuzzle into him.

Although Mika is giving me three more days, I already know my answer.

I don't want to grow old. I especially don't want to grow old knowing that my husband is staying the same age forever.

And most importantly, I don't want to die. All of my friends are vampires, and Yoichi was marked by Kimizuki last week.

Now it's my turn.

The marking process doesn't turn you into a vampire. Instead, the venom travels through your body and freezes growth. Your body won't ever grow old.

I'd be young forever. With Mika. And all of my friends.

And I guess that's how I want it to be. An eternity with the people I care about. And maybe awhile ago I would have denied the request with ease. But not now. I have my feelings sorted out, well kind of. For the most part I do.

And I finally know what I want.

I want this life. Despite the past pain...despite everything. I want this life.


A.N. Thank you for being patient. :( School has started up again. Ugh.

Please vote and comment if you enjoyed! Sorry if it's a bit of a filler. I feel like I say this every time. :( I'm really sorry. At least the marking chapter is coming up soon!

Anyways, thanks so much for reading! It means a lot to me. :) How many of you are still here? Haha!

Thank you for over 30k reads. I mean, damn. I never expected this story to even surpass 1k. So thank you so much!

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night. I love you all so much. :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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