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How Could You NOT Know?!

Yuu's POV

I stand there blinking at the blank space as I feel my face heat up. I suddenly hear someone running up to me.

"Yuu-san!" Shinoa gasps. "Was that a vampire?!"

Oh great.


"DON'T LIE TO ME!" People turn around and stare at us worriedly.

"Shinoa, please. You're attracting attention." I mumble as I make my way towards the entrance of the school.

"I don't care! I wanna know!" I groan.

"Okay...maybe it was. But he didn't bite me. I just ran into a little crisis on the way." Shinoa hawks.

"You didn't take the subway again, did you?!"



"Shhh! Calm down, gosh."

"You could've gotten yourself killed!"

"But I didn't. Besides, you know me. I don't give in. And I won't go without a fight."

"That's what makes you so stupid." Shinoa huffs. I roll my eyes.

All of a sudden, a group of girls walk up to us nervously.

"Um...Yuichiro?" One says nervously.


"That boy you were with...is that your boyfriend?" My face heats up immediately.

"What?! No!!! That's not my boyfriend I don't have a boyfriend he was just-" I rambled endlessly until one of the girls cuts me off.

"Okay good. Do you know who he is?"

"Um no...he must be important though. I know that at least."

"How do you NOT know?!" Another girl gasps.

"I try to ignore the bloodsuckers." I state truthfully.

"Well he's really dangerous...you might wanna stay away from him."

"Trust me, I don't want to get near any vampires. What is he though?"

"Do you really wanna know?"

"Yes." I say, annoyed. No freaking duh.

"Yuichiro...he's the king of vampires."


Mika's POV

I watched the human carefully. He was sassy, but I can tell he has a soft side.

When I was walking through the subway to see what all the commotion was, my heart started to flutter. I knew that he was in there. My love. My soulmate.

You see, Yuu-chan (that's what I call my precious human) has always been mine. He just doesn't know it yet. But he will, very soon.

I've been watching my gorgeous Yuu-chan since he was born. I've kept pictures and memories of his favourite times. I've watched him lose his parents and I've watched him grow even tougher as the years progressed. I'd watch him cry, I'd watch him scream out...but I've never had the chance to hold him.

Until now.

I just want to comfort the poor boy who's been through so much. I don't want to scare him but I need to start to show him that he belongs to me.

And that he is mine.

And that he will love me.

He has no choice.


Yuu's POV


"Shhh!" The girls hush me.

"How could you not know?!" One says.

"Goodness, Yuichiro. Even if you don't pay attention to the bloodsuckers, you should still recognise the king. Where have you been..."

They walk off.

"YUU-SAN!!" Shinoa fumes.

"Yes?" I cringe.


"It's not a mess, Shinoa. He only walked me to school. That's it. That's the end of that."

The bell suddenly rings.

"Come on, Shinoa. Let's hurry before we're late."

A.N. I'm sorry that was short! I'm not feeling well today :( please vote and comment! I love you all :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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