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The Wedding

*Yuu's POV*

Time flies by and soon it is the wedding day. I'm not exactly prepared for it, but Yoichi says I'll be fine. He's always right, right?

"You look so handsome, Yuu." Yoichi beams at me. I cover my face with my hands, flustered.

"Shut up! I can't be all red before the wedding." Yoichi just grins.

My friends are so mean to me.

"Ready?" He puts an arm out. I smile and link mine through his. Together we step out of the room, and head to the place where I will marry Mika.


The wedding is set up in the ballroom. Mika isn't a religious person, so he didn't want to have it in a church. It makes sense, since he is a vampire and he'a done many unholy things.

Although I had always pictured myself in a church for my wedding, I like the ballroom a lot. It is decorated beautifully, with a large crystal chandelier on the ceiling and white flowers everywhere. The marble floors are shined to the point where I can see my reflection in them.

The ceremony begins after everyone in the castle arrives. When Mika sees me walk down the aisle in the centre of the ballroom, I can see his eyes sparkle. Lacus takes me there, arms linked, as Yoichi stands with Kimi in the place where the best men stand.

The person to initiate the wedding is René. He does the process smoothly, like he's done it a thousand times before. After we say our vows, Mika wraps an arm around my waist and tips me down, pressing his lips to mine. The castle breaks out into cheers.

Mika slowly pulls back and stays in the same position, to look at my face. It's as if he's trying to memorise it. I smile at him, and he leans down and kisses me again.

The moment is so sweet, and not forced in anyway. If you told me weeks ago that I'd be in this position soon, I wouldn't believe you. I never thought I'd marry a vampire. I never thought I'd marry Mikaela Shindo.

And yet, I have no regrets.


After the wedding ceremony, the queen coronation begins. Mika asked me if I'd like to be called second king, but I choose to stick with queen instead. Something about the idea of being called 'Mika's queen' is very pleasing to me.

The ceremony is much longer than the wedding itself, and basically it's kind of boring. But I'll never tell Mika that.

They put the queen's crown on my head and give long and drawn out speeches. I'm then given the cloak. The staff is the third piece, and it must be handed to me by the original queen. But since the original queen is Mika's mother, and it appears she hasn't come, Mika decides to do it.

He looks sad, but he tries to cover it up. It's no surprise that his mother didn't come. She was never a fan of him being gay. She wanted Mika to go off and marry some young girl, not a boy. I can't help but feel hurt by it, but I push away those feelings, knowing that Mika probably feels worse about it.

But just as he reaches for the staff, a thin figure comes up behind him and snatches it away before he can grab it. Mika turns around with wide eyes and gawks at the sight of his mother. Krul steps up onto the platform and hands me the staff.

"Welcome to the royal family, Yuichiro."


After the wedding is the party. This is the part I was looking forward to the most, because it means that Mika and I can finally talk to each other.

Mika is still in shock about the fact that his mom actually came. She didn't say much at the coronation, but instead she wished us well before leaving. According to Mitsu, she was there at the wedding too.

I look over at Mika and can't help but smile. He's glowing. We don't know if this means that Mika finally got his mother's approval, but it doesn't seem to matter to the vampire. He just looks so happy.

It makes me really happy.

"Well, what did you think?" Mika asks me as we take our seats at the front table.

"It was amazing." I reply, a smile forming on my lips.

"Good." Mika looks satisfied.

The party is full of people coming up and congratulating us, Mika introducing me to other people in the castle, and eating. Lots of eating.

After the party, Mika and I are pretty beat so we head back to our room and fall asleep on the bed. Since I'm so exhausted, I forget that tomorrow is the day I tell Mika about my decision for our future.


The next day rolls in and I slowly open my eyes. I'm blinded by sunlight, and it takes me a moment to realise that Mika is already up and had opened the curtains. I sigh and push myself up into a sitting position.

"Mika?" I call out. Mika pops out of the bathroom in just a towel, water dripping down his body. I swallow nervously as I stare at his toned figure.

"Yes? Sorry, I was taking a shower."

"That's fine!" I squeak. I lie back down and cover my face with the blanket. Mika just chuckles and walks over to me, pulling the blanket back.

"We're married, and you're going to be shy when seeing me half naked?" I blush furiously.

"I just..." Mika caresses my cheek with his cold hand.

"I know, my love. I'm just teasing." He walks over to the closet and picks out some clothes, then he returns into the bathroom.

But he throws a wink my way before he closes the bathroom door.


At breakfast, I debate about how to bring up the topic of our future. Mika seems to forget that he told me I should tell him the day after our wedding. Maybe I should just remind him...

"So..." I start, pushing my eggs around in my plate with my fork. Mika looks up from his plate.


"Oh, nothing...just thinking about what we talked about before our wedding." Mika stares at me, as if he's trying to figure out what I'm talking about. I sigh. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

"What did we talk about again?" Mika asks me.

"Our future." I blurt out. Better to just get it over with.

"Oh? Right! I think I told you by tonight though." Mika says with furrowed eyebrows. I swallow nervously.

"I know, but..." Mika pauses.

"Did you already decide?" He asks me. I nod my head. "Well, what did you choose?" He presses.

"Um, well...I decided...I want you to bite me."


A.N. Hello my Beauties! It's been so long I know! I'm so sorry. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all who celebrate! Please vote and comment if you like this chapter! Sorry if it was boring. :( One more chapter and an epilogue left. Then the story is over! I had so much fun writing this. Thank you so much for reading and giving all of your support! I love you all. :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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