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*Yuu's POV*

That night Mika did not arrive in a friendly mood.

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"Hey Mika." I greet him as he walks into the living room. He gives one death look at Lacus, motioning for him to get up and follow him. He ignores me, which pisses me off.

Lacus scrambles up and tells me that he'll be right back, a promise that later was broken. After they had been gone for a while, I decide to see where they went. What can I say? I'm impatient. Plus that creepy movie that Lacus made me watch with him is making me not want to be alone anymore.

I walk down the long hallway, trying to memorise where I saw Mika take Lacus. I finally find Mika's room on the second floor of the castle. The door is creaked open just a tad bit, indicating that this is a private conversation that they're having.

All the more reason to eavesdrop.

"She doesn't accept me, Lacus! She will never be proud of me until I am married to a women of the realm. But I'm not attracted to them."

From what I can see, Lacus sighs and runs a hand through his hair. His red eyes dash around the room as he thinks of a response to Mika.

"I don't know, Mika. This is a tough situation. But you have to remember that you have more power than her. If you want to marry a man as your queen, that's your decision. You're King, not Prince. You can marry whoever the hell you want and you don't need her consent." Lacus replies firmly.

Mika sighs, wrapping his arms around himself. He looks distressed and I just want to go in and comfort him, although I don't know why. He's done way too many hurtful and terrible things to me, I don't understand why I'm feeling this way.

But what Mika said sounds intriguing. Does Mika want to marry a man? If so, who? I can't help but feel a little bit jealous, but again I have no idea why. If Mika wants to marry someone he can go and do that. I'm not bothered at all.

"You're right," Mika says after some time. "I think I'll give it some time before I propose. I've known him long enough but he hasn't known me for too long."

I blink, confused. Wow. Mika's really going to go for it, isn't he? I wonder if I'll meet this "man" Mika is obsessed with. Ugh. He's probably gross.

"Good idea. And remember, you're King. She's not." Mika smiles at Lacus, much to my surprise.

"You're right."

I step back as I hear and see a bit of shuffling. I quickly scramble away and race down the hallway as quietly and as quickly as I can, which is really hard. I finally reach the grand stairs and I hurry down them. I then slip into the fancy living room and plop down on the couch where they left me.

Just then, Mika comes in but Lacus isn't behind him. Mika walks over and takes a seat next to me, while I can't help but wonder what he meant by "I've known him for a long time but he hasn't known me for too long".

"Lacus decided to retire for the night," Mika says softly. He doesn't look mad anymore. He brushes my raven hair out of my green eyes, and smiles. "I think we should too. I'm a bit tired, are you?"

I'm not tired. At all. My mind is whirling with questions and thoughts, and my heart is racing. I'm also trying to picture when Mika's man looks like. Does he look like me? Or completely different?

I had always thought that Mika had an attraction to me. He calls me "Yuu-chan", he kisses me, he showers me with love (even when it's creepy), and he—well, he tried to...rape me. The thoughts make me feel sick and suddenly I realise Mika is just playing around with me.

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