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*Mika's POV*


That was the only thought in my mind when my eyes landed on him.

"You know, Mikaela," He started. "When Krul gave up the throne, it wasn't because she thought you'd be a rightful ruler. She didn't know what else to do."

"My father was the King. Not yours." I keep my voice as even as I can. Crowley was never one to negotiate, so I decided to keep this short.

"Oh, but my father would've been King if your grandfather hadn't killed him!" I cross my arms, my cape flowing behind him.

"I'm glad he did, because I loooove being King." Wow. Yuu's sassiness really did rub off on me.

"IT'S NOT FAIR!" He shouted, springing towards me. I dodge out of the way, and whip out my sword. The blood drizzles from my arm as I feed the monster who gives me his power. I charge towards him, knocking him over and piercing him in the heart. He just smiles at my, twisted.

"What?" I demand.

"I will never call you King."

"You don't have to. I have plenty of vampires here in the realm that respect me."

"Yes, of course." I try to understand what he's hinting at, and then I see it.




*Yuu's POV*

When the lady in the weird white cloak told me I was stabbed, I thought I was dead and talking to Virgin Mary or something.

But I was alive. Sort of.

"I was able to put a remedy in your wound to make it heal faster. You'll need to be in watch for a few days." I blink at her.

"Why don't I feel any pain?"

"Your legal guardian is here. He has ordered an extra numbing cream for you." My cheeks flushed.


"The King." She huffs before leaving.

Soon, a mop of blonde hair comes rushing in. I don't even get a chance to say hi before Mika pulls a chair up and immediately takes my hand.

"Yuu, I'm so sorry!" He wails. I blink at him, confused.

"Sorry for what?" I squeeze his hand.

"I-I didn't mean to."

"Mean to do what?"

"Stab you."


*third person*

Crowley paced back and forth as Chess and Horn waited patiently for him to devise a plan.

"What now, you're majesty?" Crowley looked thoughtful for a moment.

"The only way to gain my throne is to bring the King down and spread the truth of our history.

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