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The Date

Yuu's POV

I woke up Saturday morning feeling terrified. I should've never agreed to go on this date with the King. He's the king of vampires and I hate vampires! What was I thinking?

"Yuu-san.." Shinoa's voice echoes from outside my door.

Never mind. I'm glad I agreed to go.

"What?" I called.

"Hurry up, we need to go grocery shopping." I groan.

"Why do we do this?" I ask aggravated. I can hear the grin in Shinoa's voice.

"Because it makes it fun!"


The entire squad pours into the grocery store.

I try to hide my embarrassment as Shinoa and Mitsu jump into the each of the two carts we have. Kimizuki pushes one and Yoichi pushes another. I grab the stuff and throw it into Yoichi's cart while Kimizuki pushes the cart and puts the groceries in it.

They race to get to the "finish line" which was really just the cash line.


I tie my bow tie and and fix my blazer. I smooth my hair and shakily walk down the stairs. As soon as I see the squad waiting there, I push all of my fears away and pretend to act confident.

"Hey guys," I say nonchalantly. "I'll be back before you know it." Shinoa chews on her lip.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this, Yuu-san?" She asks me. I nod head.

"Of course," I reply. "See you all soon!" I walk out the door and jump when I see Mika waiting there for me. He takes my hand, leans down and kisses it. I blush.

"You look beautiful," He says gently. "Very beautiful." I blush some more.

"Th-Thank you," I stutter. "So do you..." My voice trails off as my eyes widen at the sight of Mika. He looks even more good looking than normal. I didn't think that was possible! Mika blushes and leads me along to the castle.


Seeing the vampire castle made my stomach turn. My skin pales and my heartbeat increases. I gulp down the knot on my throats as tears threatened to fall. This place is horrifying. I feel sick.

Mika notices my now slightly green face and frowns. He tightens his grip on my hand and pulls me close to him.

"Yuu, don't be afraid," He says softly. He leans forward and kisses the top of my head. My cheeks turn pink. "I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" I nod my head and whisper,

"Okay." He smiles.

"Good. Now come along, this way."


When we step into the castle, I realise how cold it is in here. Mika pulls me closer to him and tightens his grip on my hand.

"This way." He says a little more firmer.

We soon get to a private dining restaurant-like place in the castle. There are vampires dining all over the place. I gulp at the sight of the pale figures.

Mika leads me to thick red curtains. He pushes them aside and there's a private table with two chairs set up.

He leads me over to the table and we both sit down. He hands me a menu.

"Don't worry, my love. There are human choices." He says with a smile. I blush furiously and nod my head, examining the menu.

I look at the human part and order ravioli. Mika pours us both a glass of red wine. I'm not old enough to drink but in this messed up world who's paying attention? Humans are paying attention to survival, not following laws.

Soon, a vampire waiter walks over to his.

"Your majesty, how can I help you and you're lovely date tonight?"

"My love here would like ravioli, human style please. I'll take the special. Thank you."

"Sure! It'll be right up." The vampire eyes me up and down and then winks before he walks off. I blink confused.


When the food comes, Mika starts to make small talk with me.

"Yuu, I'd like to get to know you more." He says with a smile.

"I'd like to get to know you too." I reply shyly. His smile widens and he laughs a little.

"You're so cute, Yuu." He says. I blushZ

"Th-Thank you." I stutter.

"You're welcome," He beams. "So...what's your favourite colour?" He asks randomly.

"Blue," I reply, and then blush, realising that Mika's eyes were blue. My favourite blue, might I add. "What about you?"

"I like green," He says with a smile, and I blush even more. "What's your favourite thing to do?"

"I like to draw. You?"

"I like to draw, too." He says with a smile. How does a King like him have free time to draw? Hm. "What about your favourite movie?"

We went on and on, getting to know each other better. I was actually having a really good time. I found out a ton of things that I never knew about him! And I guess he did about me too.

Soon, we finished and the waiter came and cleaned up. We ordered Italian ice cream and talked about our favourite stuff some more.

When we finished, the waiter came back and cleaned up. Mika gave them some money and then I stood up.

"I had a lot of fun, Mika." I admit with a blush. He smiles.

"I'm glad." He says. All of a sudden his face turns serious. He comes close to me and takes my hand.

"M-Mika?" I stutter. "What are you d-doing?" My heart beat increases. He kisses the top of my head gently. He gently squeezes my hands.

"I love you, Yuu." He whispers. My eyes widen.

"W-What?" How could he love me?! We just met!

"I'm so sorry, Yuu-chan." What did he just call me?!

"M-Mika..." I stutter while trying to back away. But he won't let go of me. In fact, his grip tightens. "You're scaring me..." He swallows thickly, tears in his eyes.

"Please don't be mad at me when you wake up." He begs. Wait, when I wake up? What is talking about?!

"Wait wh-" I'm freeze and stop my sentence when I see him pull something large out. He lifts it up and I scream as something hard comes at me.

And everything turns black.


A.N. please vote and comment! I love you all sooo much :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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