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Life Sucks

*Yuu's POV*

I was not a happy person.

I guess that was already obvious since I'm being held hostage at the vampire castle by the vampire king, but you know.

Every day was going to be a living h#ll. I knew that it wouldn't be long before Mika would try to have sex with me again, and this time, take my virginity. I could not even stand to live with myself. Not after all the torture he's put me through so far.

I tried to do my best to stay positive. Well, at first I did. But then I realised something. Is there anything positive about this situation? Yeah, Mika's attractive. It would be worse if he was gross, but he's not. So maybe that's a positive? I don't know.

But anyways, I was beyond upset. With myself, and with Mika. I couldn't even believe my idiocy at his point, and I couldn't believe how I fell for something this shady.

Then, I think to myself often ever since the very first day, why did I say yes? What would have happened if I didn't say yes? Would Mika have kidnapped me flat out? Right in front of my own house? My school?

I was unsure about everything. I didn't know who I was anymore, and I never really knew who Mikaela Shindo was.

But, who was Yuichiro Amane? An idiot, that's for sure.

Currently, I'm sitting on Mika's bed, wearing his clothes. It was late at night, and he had already forced me to eat dinner. Which, by the way, I didn't want to eat in the first place.

But as usual, there was always a fear of sex and punishment, much like what he's done to me in the past (or worse), so I had to obey.

Don't get me wrong, I hate to obey. I really do. But what was I going to do? Argue? Then get hurt? My body was too weak from the past beating, I couldn't handle anymore.

So here I am, sitting on his bed (which I will never consider mine as well), and staring at the ceiling. What else was there to do? My friends weren't here and I wouldn't be going to school ever again.

That reminds me...

My friends.

Are they looking for me? Are they worried? Did they suspect I was kidnapped by Mika? How are they holding up? Did they forget about me?

They all told me not to go. If they were here now, they would say 'I told you so'. But me being the idiot I am, ignored them and went anyways.


I hate life.

"Yuu-chan?" I cringed at the now-familiar nickname Mika had given me.

"What?" I croaked. I hadn't used my voice since the walk.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Mika popped into view, suddenly. He sat down on the bed next to me, and gently started to stroke my hair. My body started to tremble on instinct.

"D-Don't touch me." Mika sighed.

"My love, we've been through this. I'm going to touch you and you will enjoy it. Do you understand?" His voice was calm and gentle, but firm.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, and a sob threatened to escape my mouth. It hurt, but I forced it down my throat, not wanting to make a scene. I needed to learn to deal with the pain if I was staying here for the rest of my life.

"Hello? I'm waiting for an answer."

Oh gosh, I wanna die.

"Y-Yes." I whispered, letting the tears roll. What was I to do? I was weak. There's no other way of saying that. Mika took a deep breath, clearly feeling guilty at my reaction.

"Hey, come on now. It's not that bad here. Right?" He said softly.

But I know he knew the answer to his question.

"Well then," He said after a moment of silence. "I'm all ready for bed as well, so why don't we rest up for tomorrow?" Fear started to grow inside of me.

"W-What's tomorrow?" I stuttered. Mika smiled warmly down at me.

"I just thought you deserved a night out. So, I'm planning a little event. That's all." Seeing my distress, he quickly said, "But don't worry! It'll be fun, I promise. You'll love it."

Oh, he clearly doesn't know me, does he?

This sounded like something else I would have to dread. With each passing day I was growing more and more anxious and hating life. My existence was clearing unwanted, that's probably why I'm being punished.

"Now now, do not fret," Mika soothingly brushed the hair out of my face and caressed my face with his soft, cold hands. "I love you very much, Yuu-chan. I want you to have fun tomorrow, okay?"


"I'm waiting for an answer, baby. Answer me now or you should be expecting a punishment tomorrow morning." Crying, I was quick to reply.

"O-Okay!" Mika jumped a little at my outburst, but smiled sympathetically down at me.

"Very good, princess. You're being a lot more obedient than you were before. It appears we're making some progress here!" Mika said happily. Cringing, I looked away.

I could not stand to look into those mesmerising eyes. I just couldn't.

Mika sighed before lifting me up, placing me back down and under the covers. He then slipped in next to me, and I was cringing again.

He slipped his arms around my waist and yanked me close, inhaling my scent. Cringing again, I squirmed.

"Stay still," He growled harshly. I flinched, and he frowned. "Please." He added, a bit softer and gentler.

After a while, he nuzzled his face into my neck and kissed it softly. I flinched again, he spoke softly,

"Please try and get some rest. I really want you to relax, okay?"


I only answered because I had to.

Smiling, Mika held me tighter to him (which I didn't think was possible).

"Goodnight, my beautiful Yuu-chan. I love you sooooo much. Sweet dreams."

Oh yeah, I'll be having sweet dreams alright.

Did I mention I'm being sarcastic?


A.N. Please vote and comment! Thank you so much! Thank you for reading, too. I love you all. :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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