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Tummy Wounds

*Yuu's POV*

"Lacus, come collect Yoichi so I can have a little chat with Yuu." Lacus gulps and hurries in, grabbing Yoichi's hand and pulling him out of the room. He gives me a look of sympathy and concern on his way out, muttering to Mika,

"Don't do anything stupid, please." Mika ignores him and closes the door.

He turns to me and I'm trembling so bad that it's probably unhealthy. He kneels down in front of me and I almost fall back, but his hands fly out and catch me, steadying me by holding my waist. I gulp and drop my eyes to the floor. His intense gaze on me is making me too nervous.

"Why don't you go sit on the bed?" He murmurs softly. I nod my head quickly and scramble over to the bed. I boost myself up on it and curl up into a tight ball, watching him with cautious eyes.

He stalks over to the bed, but he doesn't bother to take a seat on it. This makes me twice as nervous as before. What does he have planned this time?

"Now, my understanding of the situation at hand is that you were trying to escape with your friends. Can you deny this?" I slowly shake my head no, but then catch myself and stutter out,

"N-No." Mika stares down at me coldly.

"I didn't think so. Now, I do know that one of my rules states that you always stay in the castle unless you're with me or other supervision, and that you don't try to escape. You do realise that you disobeyed this rule, correct?" He asks me calmly. I swallow the lump forming in my throat. My eyes are starting to water again and my body trembles.

"B-But you said I could h-have some free passes for the f-first couple of d-days—"

"This rule can't be disobeyed!" He shouts suddenly, causing me to jump practically ten feet in the air. I tremble and press my back against the headboard of the bed, eyes wide with fear as I watch the monster before me. "I can't have you running away from me, Yuu-chan! Why can't you understand that?" His eyes slowly start to change from blue to a blood red. My heart drops to my stomach and my skin pales.

Dear God, please don't let me die...

"It's been too hard to control myself now, Yuu! Because you can't just obey me. I understand you didn't enjoy the information I gave you but this is your life now so get used to it! Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes!" I sob out.

"Good," His stare hardens and I notice his figure start to tremble. "The longer I think about you leaving me, the harder it becomes to control myself. I hope you know that you're the reason for this!" He starts to angrily pace around the room, and I just watch with fear in my eyes. My body is shaking so badly and I can't get it to stop.

His eyes finally land on me and they slowly turn blue again. He walks over to my side and sits down on the bed. He grabs my trembling body and brings me close to his warm chest, holding me there tightly. He starts to slowly rock back and forth, staring down at me with this sickeningly sweet look on his face.

He must've lost control again.

"My Yuu-chan," He purrs as he rocks us back and forth. "My sweet Yuu-chan...I'm only doing this because I love you." I start to cry again.

"M-Mika...p-please," I sniffle. "Don't hurt them...I-I...it was my fault..." I'm too worried about this "punishment" he has planned and how it might have to do with my friends. Mika shushes me.

"Yuu-chan, don't cry. I'm calm now, okay? And I won't hurt your friends. Just tell me you love me and I'll forget that you tried to escape. Okay?" I sniffle and forcefully reply,

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