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*Mika's POV*

I angrily chop up the chicken for Yuu's curry. Why am I making him a nice home cooked meal when I'm mad at him, you ask? Well, the answer is simple. I feel bad. I don't know why, but I do.

I bite my lip and accidentally draw blood, forgetting that I have fangs. I sigh. As much as I would like to stay mad at him, I know it won't last long. I can never be mad at him. He's an angel.

I put the chopped meat into the mix and toss it around in the pan. I then watch as the meat slowly cooks. I'm still a little steamy so I don't want to risk going back into my room to check on Yuu. He's probably in the same position I left him: angrily turning his head away while crying.

It makes me feel suddenly guilty.

Luckily, the meat has already cooked and I'm able to finish up with the process of making it. I then toss it around one last time before pouring the steamy mix into a bowl. I stick a spoon in it and turn the burner off.

Making my way up the grand stairs, I notice that it's oddly quiet in the two rooms where I shoved Yuu's friends. It makes me suspicious, so I send two guards (one in each room) to check up on them.

I knock on the door first when I get to my bedroom, which is really stupid because it's not like he can stop me from coming in. He's strapped to my bed. I slowly open it up and step in, closing the door behind me. I walk over and set the curry down on the nightstand. I fish into the drawer and pull out a knife. This immediately catches Yuu's attention (which he was trying to ignore my existence before).

"Relax," I say with a roll of my eyes. "I'm just going to cut the ropes. Stay still." He watches with wide eyes as I gently cut the ropes loose from his wrists and ankles. I frown. "Stop looking at me that way. What did you think, I was going to make you eat while lying down? I'm not that cruel." I gently grab his ankles and pull him up. He glances away from me, and his eyes say it all. He really thought I was gonna make him do that. I try not to get offended, and help him up. He slowly sits up, but reluctantly.

"Now eat," I order softly as I hand him the hot bowl. "Be careful now, it's still boiling hot." He slowly picks at it for a bit, but he finally spoons some up and blows on it before cautiously placing it into his mouth. He chews and pauses. When he realises it tastes normal and like I didn't add poison to it, he swallows. I sigh.

"I'm not going to poison you, babe." I say gently. He flinches at what I'm assuming is the nickname I used. He sniffles before taking another bite. I know he's still upset with me from before. I was mad at him, yes, but seeing him this afraid and untrusting towards me just makes me downright guilty. I wish I could go back in time and make sure I was gentler with him.

"Do you like it?" I ask softly. He nods his head but refuses to meet my eyes. I reach out and gently tilt his head up. He flinches at my cold touch, and then he cringes when we make eye contact. "I get it, you're still mad at me." I confirm. He slowly nods his head. I take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," I say truthfully. "Lately it's been hard for me to stay in control. I know I've been rough with you, love, but you know you haven't been very obedient with me either. You're being obedient now, which I'm very grateful for. Can't it always be this way? We can get along very well." He drops his eyes to his almost-finished bowl and frowns. "I'm sorry, I said something you didn't like, didn't I?" He nods his head. "Can you speak for me please?"

"Y-Yes." It's barely a whisper. My face softens.

"What did I say?"

"I don't like you." This should make me annoyed, but instead I laugh softly. Yuu seems shocked by my reaction and he looks up at me with a look of surprise on his face. "It's true."

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