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"Yuu" Will Love Me

*Yuu's POV*

I stand there gawking at my friends. Is it really them? All four of them? My best friends. Are right. In front of. My face. I haven't seen them in what feels like forever!


I missed them so much.

"Guys?!" I gasp again. "Is it really you?"

"Of course it is! We're here to bust you out." Mitsu lifts up a loaded gun and makes aiming motions, not even caring that Mika is right behind me.

"Yuu-chan, tell them to leave!" Mika barks at me.

"I don't think so, you filthy a*s vampire!" Kimizuki shouts, charging at him. I immediately push myself between them, before Kimizuki gets his a*s kicked.

"No!" I quickly say.

"Move out of the way!" Kimizuki growls. I shake my head back and forth quickly.

"Please don't touch him." Mika scoffs.

"I'll have him dead in seconds."

"Don't do that!" I beg. Mika's face softens, even though he's still pissed from before.

"I won't." He promises.

"Thank you." I breathe out, relieved.

"Get away from him!" Shinoa shouts. She lifts up her steak as a threat. Mika clenches his fists and glares at her.

"You puny human! You're not fooling anyone. Not even me. Step away from my Yuu-chan!"

"YOURS?!" Shinoa looks like her head's about to explode. I know I need to intervene before they kill each other.

"You guys! Please stop." I plead. Yoichi looks at me and his eyes suddenly widen.

"ARE THOSE BRUISES ON YOU?!" He gasps. My cheeks turn red.

"W-What?! No!" I try to cover them up by crossing my arms. Mika wraps an around me again, guilt on his face.

"He's fine! Now go away." I look at him.

"Mika. Please let me go with them." Mika's eyes widen.

"W-What? W-Why would you ask that?" I gulp.

"B-Because I'll be happy...don't you want me to be happy?" Mika frowns.

"Of course I do."

"Then let me go!"

"Yuu-chan, you know I can't." I frown this time.

"Why not?!" He sighs.

"They can stay here if they'd like to." Mitsu's eyes widen.

"Yeah right! We came here to kick vampire a*s, not make ourselves comfy in your hellhole!" Mika flinches. He then turns to me with another frown on his face.

"I don't like them." I groan and rub my temples.

"Mikaela? Is there a problem in here?" Lacus comes in just at the wrong time.

"Take the friends, I'll deal with Yuu." I don't even process Mika's words before I'm being dragged away.

"Hey! Stop!"

"Show them to their rooms." Mika adds. "I'll deal with this one."

"STOP!" My friends are being dragged into the castle by Lacus and Mika's soldiers who suddenly had to rampage in at the worst time.

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