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*Yuu's POV*

Two days later, I was discharged from the hospital.

I wasn't mad at Mika anymore, much to his relief. But still, I was a little upset. I mean, things weren't going very good in my life currently.

Part of me still wishes that I could've just listened to my friends and take a safer route to school than the subway, the day I had met Mika. I wouldn't be in this mess right now if I had thought things through.

But I would never tell them that, if I ever saw them again of course. Which, I figured I wouldn't. That thought still caused an ache in my heart, because I missed my four dorky friends more than anything.

Sure, school and my home meant something to me too. But my friends were like family to me. They accepted me when no one else would. I can't let them slip from my life that easily.

Currently, I'm sitting on the bed in Mika's room. I still refuse to call it my room as well, which Mika encourages I do. But I can't. It just doesn't feel right.

I close my eyes and listen to my breathing. When I had started to think about my friends, my heart beat had increased. I need to calm down or Mika will hear it and come rushing in, worried.

Too late.

Mika through the door open and was by my side in seconds.

"Yuu-chan!" I cringe at the nickname. I still can't get over the fact that he calls me that. He needs to stop. Like, very soon.

"I'm fine." I croak out, weakly. My voice sounds so strange to me because I had been lost in thought for so long, not really speaking for quite some time.

"Thank goodness." Mika lets out a sigh of relief.


"I was worried, you know."

"I figured." It sounded kind of snappy when I said it, and Mika flinched causing me to feel kind of guilty. Although I shouldn't, because he has done so many horrible things to me lately. But I still do. "I mean—sorry. I didn't mean to worry you." Mika relaxes and manages to smile.

"It's okay, love." I bite my lip and glance up at the ceiling.


I miss home.


*Yoichi's POV*

It's been two weeks since Yuu has gone missing. To say that we are all worried is an understatement. We're freaking out.

Shinoa had made a list of possible suspects at the school that could've kidnapped Yuu, but none of them made sense. When we bugged them with questions before classes, the stories added up nicely.

Which left us down to one person.

Not once did we get a knock on the door from the vampire king, Mikaela Shindo. That could mean only one thing:

He had Yuu.

So, we devised a plan. The only way to save Yuu was to enter the vampire realm. But we couldn't do it alone.

Luckily, Mitsuba is great at calling people up and knows way too many people. She'll be able to get us all the right weapons and equipment, including appropriate clothing for our plan. Kimizuki also has some real skill, so he'll be able to show us a thing or two.

We would be beyond prepared.

Currently, I'm looking up files on the internet of Mika while Shinoa writes down notes, based off of what I am telling her.

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