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*Unknown's POV*

Red. All I see is red. I'm drowning in a red sea, and I can't see anything with the heavy waves surrounding me. I try to move, but my limbs won't work. I'm trapped here.

It's hard to breathe. I struggle to even gasp for breath—my mouth won't move. It's glued shut.

I frantically try to think of where I could be and how to stop drowning. Then an odd idea comes to my mind.

Am I dead?

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to think harder, but I still see red even when my eyes are closed. I have absolutely no clue what's going on.

After a few moments of continued silence, I hear a strange buzzing noise. It starts out quietly, coming from the right of me. But then it eventually trails to the back, and then the left. By the time it's in front of me, it has gained volume and has become a ringing noise.

Then a beeping.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

It gets louder...and louder...and louder...until I can't take it anymore.

I suddenly gasp and my eyes fly open. I don't see red anymore. No, I'm staring at white. A...ceiling?

I swallow and flinch when I realise how incredibly dry my throat is. I blink a few times and let my vision adjust, before taking in my surroundings.

I'm in a white room. I don't recognise it at all.

I try to move, but pain shoots all throughout my body and I flinch. Okay, let's not do that.

I take a few deep breaths, just happy to be out of that red sea. But I'm snapped out of my happy thoughts when I hear moaning next to me. My head shoots to the side and I see a girl with purple hair lying on a bed next to my bed. I blink.

The girl shifts and then opens her big eyes. The first thing she sees is the ceiling, like me. Then she turns to me and stares at me, gasping.

And that's when I recognise her.

"Shinoa!" I can' help but shout out to her. It comes out hoarse since my throat is so dry and I haven't used it in who knows how long. What even happened anyways?

As I ponder this, it takes me a moment to realise that something is off about Shinoa. Her eyes aren't their usual colour today. Instead, they're...red.

"Sh-Shinoa?" I stutter out, shocked.

"Who are you?" She asks, frightful. "And what the hell do you want with me you filthy vampire?!" I gape at her. Who am I? Vampire? What is she talking about?

"Shinoa...it's me." She blinks, and then recognition crosses her face.

"Mitsuba?" I let out a breath of relief.

"Yeah." Her eyes widen.

"Your eyes..." I swallow nervously.

"Your eyes." Shinoa gasps.

"They're red?!" I nod grimly. A look of pure panic crosses her pretty features.

"Mistu! What's going on?! Where are we?!" I turn to stare up at the ceiling, a look of concern on my face.

"I don't know, Shinoa. I don't know." I whisper. I hear sniffles and I turn once more to see Shinoa crying. A rush of guilt hits because I'm in too much pain to reach her and comfort her.

"Mitsu..." She cries. "Are we...?"

She doesn't need to finish. I already know what she's going to say.

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