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*Yuu's POV*

When I open my eyes, I immediately feel warmth. I blink, allowing my eyes to focus since I just woke up, and they widen in horror when I remember what happened.

All the recent events flowed back to me and tears well up in my eyes. They flow down my cheeks in an endless river as the images of Shinoa and Mitsu bleeding to death fill my mind. I feel shifting next to me, and I finally realise what the warmth I'm feeling is due to.

The monster himself.

I open my mouth to scream, but Mika lazily clamps his hand over my mouth. I feel his free arm wrapped around my bruised waist, and he hugs me tighter to his warm chest.

"There's no use in screaming love," He says softly. "The damage is done. Move on, okay?"

Move on.

Anger fills me up as I realise what he's asking me to do. He wants me to push past the fact that he killed my two best friends, and pretend that he's not going to kill my other best friend. Angry tears stream down my cheeks. I want to say something so badly, perhaps snap at him in a sarcastic way, but I know it will only wind up with me bleeding on the bedroom floor.

This causes a small, miserable hiccup to escape my mouth. After that, I'm full on sobbing. I can't control the emotions running through me. It's too much. Mika sighs and buries his face in my neck. I flinch and try to pull away, but he holds me tightly to him.

"You shouldn't cry, you know," He murmurs in my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin and giving me goosebumps. "What's done is done. Okay?" Another sob slips from my chapped lips. I'm seriously a mess right now.

There's footsteps, and then Lacus appears in front of my eyes. He gives me a sympathetic smile.

"How's he doing?" He asks Mika, although he's looking at me. Mika rolls his eyes.

"Does it look like he's doing well to you?" Lacus glares at Mika.

"Alright, no need to be rude." Mika gives a careless,


Lacus kneels down by my side of the bed and gently reaches out to stroke my hair. I flinch noticeably when he does so. He sighs and brushes my bangs out of my tear-stained face.

"How are you feeling, love?" I don't reply, but instead allow a few more tears to slip from my swollen eyes. Mika squeezes me roughly and I wince, biting back a groan of pain as Mika puts unwanted pressure on my wounds.

"Lacus asked you a question," He snaps. "Answer him." He hisses the last part in my ear. Tears start to slip out of my eyes faster again. Lacus frowns at Mika.

"He doesn't have to answer if he doesn't want to." Mika glares at him.

"Don't say that to him. I'm trying to teach him obedience." Lacus raises an eyebrow.

"And you're going to do that by being rude to him?" Mika lets out an annoyed sigh.

"That's the only way he'll learn, Lacus. Now do you mind? I have some things I want to discuss with Yuu in private." Lacus sighs but gets up anyways. He pats me on the head lightly, and I flinch.

"Stay safe, Yuu." He whispers before leaving the room.

"Finally." Mika huffs.

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