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*Yoichi's POV*

"K-Kimizuki?" I stutter out, helplessly.

"Yoichi, back away from him. He just turned on the night of a storm, he's dangerous." Mika warns me in a soft voice.

"No! He's still in there." Mika sighs.

"Yoichi, please. He'll attack you. You need to stay away from him."

"B-But he's my best friend!"

"I know."

"He won't attack me!" I insist.

"Y-Yoichi." Kimi stutters. I light up.

"Kimi!" I jump on him and wrap my arms around his neck. He winces.

"Step away from him if you value your life!" Mika calls to me. I ignore him.

"Oh, Yoichi..."

"I missed you. I haven't seen you in so long. Are you okay? After what happened and all..."



"Yoichi, you smell so good..." My heartbeat increases and I start to become nervous.

"You won't hurt me, right?" I ask in a tiny voice.

"Mmmm..." I gulp. He's smelling me.

I try to pull away but his grip on me tightens. I start to panic.

"Hey, let go!" He squeezes me tighter.

"Just one little sip...I promise..."

"Hey!" Mika pries us apart. "Yoichi, get out of here." He orders.


"I need to deal with him before he causes problems. Guards, take Yoichi to Yuu and allow them to spend some time in my room."

I don't even get a chance to open my mouth again because suddenly two guards come up from behind and grab me by my arms. They drag me to Mika's room, while Yuu is being dragged there as well with his two guards.

At least I'll have time to catch-up and mope around with Yuu. But Kimizuki...I feel so bad for him. He must feel horrible. Was there a way to prevent this?

Probably not.

Suddenly, Yuu and I are are thrown into Mika's room roughly and the door is slammed shut in our faces. I don't get too excited, though, because I soon hear the click of the lock soon after, signalling that we'll be stuck in here for quite some time.

But at least we have each other.

I turn to Yuu and open my mouth to speak, but I'm tackled to the floor by Yuu's small frame.

"Yoichi!" He wails out my name. Relief flows through me, the first relief I've felt since we got here.

"Yuu-san." I breathe out, closing my arms around him and holding him tight. I close my eyes and inhale his sweet and familiar smell. Only this time, he has Mika's scent on him too. I try not to cringe away.

Instead, I pull back so I can examine him. I gasp suddenly when I notice all of the bruises, cuts, scrapes, and marks that he has littered all over his body. My eyes water immediately.

"D-Did Mika do this to you?" I whisper as I stare at his small, ruined body in horror. Yuu nods his head weakly and wipes his tears away with his fists. I swallow the lump forming in my throat.

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