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Battle for the Crown

*Yuu's POV*

Mika turns to me, concern on his face.

"Yuu-chan, I need to handle this. I'm going to have Lacus bring you and your four friends to a secure location in the castle, okay? There will be guards protecting it and it will be locked and hidden. You guys will be safe there." I nod my head wordlessly, knowing better than to question Mika in a crisis like this.

"Lacus, please round them up and bring them there. Take two guards with you to guard the door." Lacus nods and picks two guards to follow him. He extends a hand to me which I push myself off the bed and limp over to him to take.

We hurry down the hallway (as fast as I can go, at least) and round the others up. Mitsu, Kimi, and Shinoa are still weak, so they bring a couple of blood bags with them. Yoichi is the last person to be picked up, and once we get him we're being rushed to an abandoned hallway up multiple flights of stairs.

We climb up a latter and are then pushed into what appears to be the attic of the castle, with low ceilings and one small window on the floor.

"We'll try to handle this as quickly as we can." Lacus tells us as we settle in. Then he's closing and locking the hatch, leaving the two guards to guard underneath the hatch door.

We all stare at each other in silence. It's been awhile since we've all been together like this. The overflow of emotions that we all feel creates a nice distraction. We soon throw our arms around each other and start to cry in relief, never thinking that this would ever happen.

"We're all here!" Shinoa wails. "And we're okay!"

We cry into each other's arms, soaking up the company we give each other. It feels so nice to be with them again.

Although, I can't help think about someone that's not here right now.


I hate to admit it...but...I'm worried about him. He'll be okay, right?


*Mika's POV*

I storm down the hallway, my cape dramatically blowing in the breeze. I can't believe this asshole came to ruin everything. I was having a heart-to-heart day with Yuu-chan and this bastard just HAD to show up!

To say I'm mad is an understatement. I'm pissed. And when I'm pissed, bad things happen. Very bad things.

I hurry down the grand staircase which will lead me to the foyer in the front of the castle. Crowley and his stupid guards are surrounding the castle, so I can't just go alone. I order my guards to arm themselves as practiced in many protocols, and to take their positions against the walls of the castle, outside.

Once I have that taken care of, I push the door open and storm out to meet the man with the pea-sized brain that's wrecking my front lawn.

And there he is. He's wearing this ugly and cocky smirk on his face with his arms crossed over his chest. I clench my fists tightly and walk right up to his face. He raises an eyebrow.

"Getting up close and personal, I see?" He says with a stupid grin on his face. I want to punch it off so badly. But I can't. Never be the first to start the fight. My mother always told me that. I guess I should listen to her, despite my dislike for her.

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