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The Marking Stage

*Yuu's POV*

"Y-You do?" Mika stutters out. I nod my head and stare down at my plate.

"I'm not gonna lie, the thought of it scares me but I really want a future with you, Mika. A future that will last forever and won't end with me being old and wrinkly and you being young." Mika's eyes shimmer with tears.

"I'll be gentle, Yuu-chan. I promise." I look up at him and give him a small smile.

"I know you will. I trust you."


Mika decides that the best thing to do is to get the marking done with tonight. Although I'm nervous as hell, I know that he's right. We should get it over with since we have nothing to do now anyways.

"There's many ways I can execute it," Mika explains to me. "We can kiss, we can just do the marking stage—although it might be a bit painful—or we can make love." My eyes widen at my options.

"Those..." I start. Mika raises an eyebrow. "Are scary options." I finish. Mika chuckles.

"Oh, Yuu-chan. You trust me, don't you?" I swallow nervously.

"Of course I do." I whisper. Mika smiles at me and then kneels down, taking my hands in his.

"Then let's make love, okay? It's the best way to execute the mark. It's a great distraction." I bite my lip, thinking it over. I don't know if this is a good idea...

"You promise you'll be gentle?" I whisper. Mika nods his head and gently ruffles my hair.

"Of course."

"Then okay."

~ (A.N. Sorry there's so many of these!)

The day flies by. I think it only went by this quickly because I'm nervous for tonight and sometimes the world just hates me.

At dinner, I hardly eat. Mika encourages me to at least eat half of my dinner, saying that I'll need all the strength I can get for tonight. Like that doesn't terrify me even more.

I pick at my food, but eventually decide that he's right. Even though I don't have an appetite, I force food into me anyways. When I finish most of my dinner, I push my plate away. I can't stomach anymore.

After getting ready for bed, Mika instructs me to lie down on the bed.

"I'm going to first clean your neck with this cloth and then we can get started okay?" I frown at him.

"Do you seriously think my neck is dirty?" Mika laughs at my response.

"No, love. It's so that you don't get an infection."


Mika wipes my neck down with the cool cloth, and it feels good against my hot skin. He places the cloth on the nightstand and pulls out a mysterious bottle.

"What is that?" I ask suspiciously. Mika looks at me as if I'm dumb.

"Lubricant." He states bluntly. I glare at him.

"Don't give me that look! I've never had sex before..." Mika straightens up.

"Good to know." What the hell is that supposed to mean?

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