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The Waste Room

*Yuu's POV*

My heart is pounding out of my chest as I'm running. Where am I running, you ask? I have no freaking idea. All I know is that I need to find my friends and then get out of here.

The dungeon. The dungeon. Where is the dungeon?

I ask myself this as I'm running, my breath is becoming uneven and I'm starting to sweat. Am I that out of shape? Wow. I never knew.

Where is the dungeon? Ugh!

I don't stop running. No, I can't stop running. I need to find them. This is a priority.

I finally come across a metal door, and my eyes scan it desperately. Is this it? Is this the door to the dungeon? I swallow thickly, since my throat is super dry from all the running I did.

All of a sudden, I hear fast footsteps. I've been here staring at the door for too long! I need to go down there. I find a lit candle on its holder besides the door and I take it, slowly touching the cold, metal handle. I open the door and slip inside, using the candle to light the way.

I close the door softly behind me so that whoever is coming up behind me won't know I'm in here.

It's dark. Cold. Kind of damp.

The whole aroma makes me terrified. I quickly hurry down the stone steps, stumbling as I reach for a railing to help with my balance.

There isn't one. Perfect.

I slow my pace a bit so I don't trip and fall down the stairs, with a nice face plant into the flame of the candle. I shudder at the thought. Ouch.

I take a deep breath and continue, until my feet reach a final level. There are no more steps. Am I at the bottom of the staircase? Probably. Even the candle can't help me at this point.

I gulp and slowly continue my venture into the cold basement. I stumble around until I find the wall. I slide myself down the wall so that I know I'm at least following some path.

"Yuu-chan! Where are you?"

I freeze. Mika doesn't sound too far away. I need to hurry or my plan will fail. I take a deep breath and push forwards.

Do this for your friends.

I bite my lip and realise that I'm getting no where. Where even am I? Suddenly, a horrible thought comes to my mind. What if I'm not in the dungeon at all? What if I accidentally stumbled into one of Mika's torture zones? Does he even have those? Probably.

Finally, my back grazes something that doesn't feel like a normal wall. It feels kind of bumpy. Nervous, I flinch back away from it. I hear shifting and soft voices in the distance. I swallow thickly and try to take deep breaths. I won't be able to hear anything if my heartbeat is too crazy-loud.

I close my eyes and focus on the sounds in the distance. They sound somewhat familiar. My hopes are raised when I realise that this could be my friends. I lean in closer, as I suddenly recognise the voice.


It's the guard! I fall over in shock and suddenly I hear fast footsteps and heavy breathing.

No no no!

I try to grip the wall for support to help me up, but suddenly my hand glides across something slimy and a foul stench comes to my nose.

And my blood runs cold as I realise something.

This isn't the dungeon. This is the waste room.

As a kid, I had heard many terrifying rumours about the "waste room" in the vampire realm. That's where all of the "meals", murdered bodies, and raw flesh and organs are kept. I thought it was just a made-up story that people told to scare kids.

But I just so happened to stumble into one.

This day could not get any worse.

"Mikaela?" The guard's voice demands. "Is that you?"

I don't even think. I chuck the candle at what I assume is his face, and I take off running the other way. I hear the guard hiss in pain behind me, as the flame and melting-hot candle touches his dead flesh.

I continue to run.

Don't look back. Don't look back.

The smell gets worse, and I realise that I'm not running away from the room but deeper in it.

I close my eyes and hold my breath, figuring that I can't see anyways so it shouldn't matter.

Don't think about it. Don't think about it.

I run and run, until I slam right into a wall. My body falls back from the force, and I feel my head hit the floor. I notice a pool of heavy liquid is surrounding my head, but it takes me a moment to know that the liquid doesn't belong to me.

It belongs to one of the bodies.

Horror comes to me and I try to get up, but I'm too weak from running so much. I'm stuck.

Just to make my situation worse, I feel someone brush my hand and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly. My lips press together and I scrunch my nose up as the smell gets worse.


I suddenly hear soft footsteps that barely seem to make any sound at all. Dread fills inside of me when I hear the guard from before say,

"That's him, you're majesty. I could barely see. He threw a lit candle at my face!"

"Tsk tsk tsk." The all-to-familiar voice makes the sound that I hate the most. The sound demons make when they're about to punish or kill someone.

I let out a soft sob when I feel Mika kneel down beside me. And then cold hands slowly stroke my hair and I start balling my eyes out. My whole body shakes viciously.

"Shh, shh. Everything's going to be okay, my love. Everything's going to be fine." He coos.

But I don't believe him.

He slowly pulls me up, and I tremble so badly that he has to start whispering soothing words in my ear to calm me down.

"Come on now, love. You're fine, just a little dirty and frightened, okay? We'll get you all cleaned up. Then you can eat your breakfast and we can discuss the matter. Sound good?"

His voice sounds too innocent and calm for my liking.

"I'm waiting for an answer, love." I sob softly.


"Good," He scoops me up. "Now come on, it appears that you've gotten yourself into a little accident and could use some cleaning."

"Sir? What should I do?"

"Feed his friends some breakfast. A good breakfast."

"Yes, you're majesty."

"See, love? Everything's going to be just fine." He kisses the top of my head.

That's the last thing I remember before I faint in his arms.


A.N. Please vote and comment! Thanks so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this Halloween-style chapter. It was pretty short, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways! Happy Halloween! I love you all so much. :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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