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*Yuu's POV*

When I open my eyes, it takes a moment for me to remember everything that happened. I was with Yoichi, he had cleaned me up, and then Mika had come in...

Oh. Right. I'm sleeping with Mika. As if on cue, Mika snuggles closer to me with a smile on his face.

"You're up," He says softly, kissing my cheek gently. "I love waking up to your beautiful face." I try not to gag at his overly sweet words. No matter how hard he tries, he won't convince me that he loves me.

I roll over onto my other side and bring my knees to my chest. I wrap my arms around my legs and close my eyes again. I really don't want to think about anything right now. I want to forget that my two best friends are dead, my third best friend is a vampire now, my fourth best friend is locked up by himself, and I'm stuck being in a relationship with a psychopath.

"Yuu-chan? Don't you have anything to say back?" Mika presses. I flinch because his mouth is so close to my ear and it's making me uncomfortable. I shake my head no, but then reply hesitantly,

"No." I know that if I don't use verbal answers it'll only get worse. Mika sighs and tightens his grip on me.

"I have a feeling we won't be making any progress anytime soon." Good.

I feel him slowly shift until he's sitting up, and then he swings his legs over the side of the bed and hops off. He disappears from my peripheral vision, only to reappear on my other side. I try to inch back when he kneels down beside me, his lips inches from mine.

But he grabs my forearms and pulls me back, preventing me from going anywhere.

"Yuu-chan, I think it's time we have an important chat." I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Ch-Chat?" Mika nods his head, his face suddenly serious.

"Come on, princess," He helps me up into a sitting position, and then plops back down on the bed. He yanks me onto his lap and I flinch at the roughness. "You're probably not going to like this." My heart drops to my stomach.

Here we go.

"Now listen, my love. This is hard for me too, okay?" I'm sure it is.

"What is it, Mika?" I whisper brokenly. I look up at him with my empty eyes. "What now?" Mika reaches out and brushes my bangs out of my eyes. He gives me a comforting smile that does absolutely nothing to comfort me.

"There's a reason why I couldn't bite you yet, Yuu. And I think it's time you know, okay? There's a lot we need to do in order for us to be together forever. Do you understand?" My heartbeat quickens and I start to sweat a bit. Why do I feel like I'm going to really hate this conversation?

"Y-Yes." I whisper, feeling tears clog my vision. Mika sighs at this and brushes away the ones that accidentally slipped down my cheeks.

"Yuu, please don't cry. I haven't even said anything yet, okay? Relax."

"B-But it's gonna be b-bad..." I hiccup, sobs threatening to escape my chapped lips. Mika tightens his grip on me.

"Just listen, okay? Can you do that for me?" I slowly nod my head.

"Y-Yes." Mika smiles.

"Good boy. Now, back to what I was saying. Biting is average for any other human and vampire. But us...well, we're special. That's because you're what I like to call my soulmate." I frown.

"How do you know?" Mika ignores my sassy tone and replies calmly,

"Because I feel a strong connection with you."

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