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Battle Lost

*Yuu's POV*



I'm surrounded by both of these things. When I open my eyes, I find myself pressed to the floor. I'm in an uncomfortable position since I'm still in the chair. My cheek is pressed into the hardwood floor, and I think a nail is digging into it because I feel warm liquid surround the side of my face.

I notice that there's a warm liquid trailing from my lip to my chin, and I realise that my hands are still clenched into tight fists, sure to leave bloody nail marks on my palms.

Who knows how long I've been like this. I hear footsteps come to the door, and I close my eyes with dread. Here we go. They pause at the door, as if with hesitation, before they slowly trail away, back down the hall.

I don't even want to know what Mika is doing to my friends right now. The horrors he must be putting them through sickens me. I try to fight the nausea that's building up in my stomach, and I swallow the bile threatening to spill from my throat. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to take deep breaths.

I'm going to die this way. And my friends are going to too, all because of me...

This is why you never trust strangers. If I had never allowed Mika to take me to and from school everyday, none of this would have happened. I'd be at home, healthy, with all of my friends.

And we'd be safe.

I hate myself for being so stupid. Why should I have ever trusted a vampire? Vampires are monsters. They gain your trust only to throw it in your face and stomp all over it. Mika betrayed me, and now I feel used. Broken. Weak. Helpless.

I try to lick my lips, but a nasty metallic taste fills my mouth and I cough a little. Blood sputters from my mouth and lands on the floor, quickly seeping into the hardwood. Some of it splashes on my face and I wince.

I attempt to wiggle myself into a more comfortable position, but the ropes are tied too tightly so I can't really move. All I can do is hope and pray that this torture will be over soon.

I start to focus on the tightness of the ropes, trying to tell if I have blood seeping from them yet. They're so tight...it physically hurts to breathe. If Mika's plan all along was to kill me in the most violent and ruthless way, he sure was succeeding so far. There is no way I'll even last long with no food or water, and with the loss of so much blood.

After awhile, my eyes begin to become droopy and I guess I didn't realise how I exhausted I really am. I close my eyes and try not to focus on the pain that's igniting through my whole body currently. If I can focus on the silence I'm surrounded by, I might be able to get some sleep.

But my eyes fly open when I hear another scream. This time, it sounds like Mitsu. I start to panic, figuring that Mika is killing my friends off one by one, making sure that I hear their last screams so I can suffer more.

Hot tears blur my vision, and I try to scream but blood fills my mouth and prevents me from doing so. Instead, I squeeze my eyes shut and silently cry as I listen to the pleas of my best friend.

There's nothing I can do to stop their pain. To stop my pain. To end this mess.

It's hopeless.


*Mika's POV*

"Shut up!" I hiss in blondie's ear. "You're really starting to piss me off now."

"No!" She wails. "Stop hurting us!" I rub my temples. I squint my eyes when I see that grape head is trying to escape. She's crawling away. I grab her by her hair and yank her back. She sobs as I toss her aside.

"Stop trying to escape when you'll never make it," I say with a humourless laugh. "This is the price you have to pay for your friend's disobedience. Such a shame, isn't it? And it's all Yuu's fault." Blondie glares at me with hatred burning in her eyes. She wipes the blood from her mouth.

"It's not Yuu's fault! Stop trying to make us turn on him!" I hold my hands in front of my chest innocently.

"What do you mean? I never even came up with such an idea. You came up with it yourself." I say with a smile. Her eyes widen when I start to walk closer.

"Stay away!" She cries.

"Let's make a bet," I suggest, glancing at the pink-haired male who is currently tied to the bed. "How long do you think these two worthless beings will last?" The male stares at me with empty eyes, a single angry tear sliding down his cheek. I smirk.

"Why? Why are you doing this to us?" Grape head sobs. I shrug.

"Why not?"

"Let us go!" She sniffles as she wipes smeared blood from her cheek. I snort.

"Might I remind you who showed up on my property on their own? It was you puny humans. You thought you could seriously succeed in your little plan. How pathetic."

"What's it going to take for you to stop?" She asks shakily. I raise an eyebrow.

"Your death."


*Yuu's POV*

I hear gentle footsteps and I dread the oncoming session. Let's guess what Mika will do next, shall we?

He'll probably pull my hair and force me to look at him. Then, he'll threaten to kill me. After that, he'll punch me and then throw me on the ground to bleed out and eventually die.

The door creaks open and I close my eyes. What if I pretend that I'm dead? That's a good idea. I mean, it can't be too far from the truth. I'm lying in my own pool of blood and I slip in and out of consciousness often. So it'll be quite believable, right?

I hear a small gasp and then quick footsteps. I continue to keep my eyes close, not yet ready to face those cruel blue eyes I've become familiar with.

I suddenly feel myself being lifted up, and then my chair is put in its normal position—on all four legs. I continue to keep my eyes closed, until someone clears their throat.

It doesn't sound like Mika.

I open my eyes and I instantly regret it. I stare at the red eyes that betrayed me and I turn away. I can't stand to look at him.

"I'm so sorry, Yuu..." Lacus whispers. "I-I...didn't know Mika would go this far..."

I remain silent.

"Look, I don't have much time left with you. I just wanted to apologise for everything I've done. I promise that I won't betray you any further..." He says, shamefully. I allow the silent tears to roll down my cheeks. I can't speak because of the blood in my mouth. It starts to seep from my chapped lips as I think of attempting to speak.

But there's no point in trying. I've fought this battle with Mika and his goons for so long and the battle has finally ended.

I've lost.

When I don't reply, Lacus sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he stands up.

"I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry. And Mika will be here shortly. He's um...dealing with something at the moment."

Dealing with something.

What? My friends? Has he killed them already? Dread spreads through my body as I imagine what horrible deaths Mika probably gave the people I care about.

All because of me.

Fast tears stream down my cheeks, and I try to blink them away. What's the point? Like I said, I lost.

There's nothing I can do to save us now.

I hear Lacus' footsteps trail outside of the room, and then heavier footsteps that I've known to hate so much replace his.

"Have you learned your lesson yet?"


A.N. Please vote and comment! School starts up soon kms. :,)

Happy new year! :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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