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Here Comes Trouble

*Yuu's POV*

"Yuu-chan, how are you feeling?" I roll over into Mika's warm arms. Mika nuzzles his face into my neck, and I can't help but sigh. My heart beats a little faster as I shrug.

"I'm okay." Mika turns me around so I'm facing him, glancing at me as he tries to read my expression.

"Are you sure?" I nod and bury my face into his pale chest.

"Mika." Mika smiles down at me.

"Hm?" I glance up at him.

"Where were you last night?" Mika immediately tenses, causing me to frown.

"Don't worry about it, love." I push myself up so that my head is at the same height Mika's is.

"Why?" Mika frowns this time.

"I said don't worry about it." I stare down at the blankets covering us.

"Fine." I pull back from him and roll over on my other side. Mika reaches for me again but I pull away.

"Hey. Why are you so far away from me?"

"I'm not talking to you."

"Why not?"

"Because you keep secrets from me."
Mika laughs to my surprise.

"My love, I was at dinner with my mother." I turn back around with a frown on my face.

"Why couldn't you tell me that before?" Mika blushes and pulls me close to him, pushing my head to rest on his chest again.

"Because it didn't go very well." I look up at him.

"What do you mean?" Mika sighs.

"I'd rather not specify, but she does not like my...um...sexual orientation." I blush immediately.

"O-Oh..." Mika rubs my back.

"I learn not to listen to her. I tell myself she's only doing this because my father is dead." I look down.

"I'm sorry, Mika." Mika smiles.

"It's okay. I have you and that's all that matters." My blush increases and hug him tightly.

"I can't relate. I don't have parents." I say with a sigh. Mika raises his eyebrows.

"Do you mind me asking what happened?" I bite my lip, debating about whether I can trust him enough to tell him. Finally, I decide it's okay. I'm probably never going to be able to escape, I'll be here forever. Does it matter what I do or say anymore? Besides, he told me his. I take a deep breath to start my long backstory, that will surly take forever. Ah, memory lane.

"Well..." Mika interrupts me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He says gently. I shake my head.

"I want to. I trust you." Mika glows.

"Okay!" He beams. I can't help but laugh, but all joy fades when I remember my past.

I had spent so long trying to forget it only for it to always come back. Is there any way we can ever forget the past? I don't think so. The past always comes back to haunt you no matter what you do. This is how I feel about mine.

"I have no siblings," I start carefully. Mika nods his head along, intrigued. "I guess I always wanted an older brother, someone to just hang out with." Mika smiles at that.

"Yes, go on."

"Well...I never had one. It was just me so I was always alone. I never wanted to be, but I still was. I live with four other friends now, you've met them, remember?" Mika nods his head.


"Well, they're all I have. But I didn't know them then. So you can imagine a little six year old playing with himself because he had no one else. I wasn't exactly liked at school, either. So it wasn't like I could just make a ton of friends and hang out with them everyday.

"Well, I always told myself that one day I would meet someone who would be friends with me. But my parents thought otherwise. My parents never liked me. They were hoping for a girl when I was born, which I feel is so cliché but oh well. They made it clear that I meant absolutely nothing to them. And they were toxic. You saw me at the subway fighting off the vampires? Yeah, no average kid could do that. I lived with two monsters that forced me to fight for my life. I gained tough skin as a kid because I was alone with two abusive parents."

Mika's eyes watered, but I wasn't done.

"So I had to fight for my life, until one of my closest friends, Yoichi, came across me trying to fight them off in my room. I didn't know him then. My window had been open when they came to punish me again, and he heard me screaming. So he called the police. This was before the whole vampire thing, so the police were still valid. They came for my parents. But by the time they got to the house, my parents had run off. When they went after them, they found them both dead."

"W-What happened to them?" Mika stuttered.

"They hung themselves." I say blankly. Mika's face softens. Luckily, he didn't give me any pity. I hate pity. That's why I do so well with my four best friends, because they never gave me pity. They just admired my fierceness and tough core, and they were always there for me.

"I'm really sorry, Yuu. I feel so bad for..." He doesn't finish. I know what he's going to say. He caused harm to me when he first kidnapped me.

I didn't know how to reply.

"I'm sorry for everything...if I had known, I'm so sorry...I know you don't want sympathy or pity and I feel horrible...oh Yuu-chan, I hate myself right now. No one deserves that, especially not you. I lost control and I'm no better than your parents..." Mika sobs.

I turn away. He's right. What was I going to say? He's wrong? He's not. That would be a lie.

I guess all I can do is sit in silence. For once, I enjoy a little silence in my life.


*Yoichi's POV*

"Heyyy, we got this." Mitsu says. Kimi sighs.

"Let's just get Yuu and then get out of there." I rub my hands together.

"Remember the plan?"

"Yup." Shinoa chimes.

"Then let's do this." We glance at the clock.

It's go-time.


A.N. Please vote and comment! Thank you so much for reading. It means a lot to me when you all show support. I love you so much! :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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