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A.N. THIS IS AN AU!! I don't want any snarky or snotty "actually..." comments, okay? xD The grammar is nasty just ignore it. No rude comments please. :) Enjoy!

The Subway Incident

Yuu's POV

My eyes flutter open at a massive sound outside. I was met by grey light. I force myself out of bed and stumble over to my dusty window. I squint my eyes and then scream.

It seemed as though the bloodsuckers were hungry again.

"Not again..." I whisper while shaking my head. I close the curtains and rush downstairs.

"Yuu, are you okay?" Shinoa asks, rushing up to me.

"Fine." I reply quickly. I start to pack my bag and swing it over my shoulder.

"You're going to school NOW? Sheesh, Yuu-san. It's early! What about breakfast? You need eat..." Shinoa rambles on but I ignore her.

"I'll see you there." Is all I say before I rush out the door.


I decide to take the subway to school. I rush down the stairs and run over to the nearest subway. I find the one with my location and jump on. At least this place isn't infested with vampires. For now, at least.

I plop down on the seat and close my eyes. The screams from up above can still be heard. I hated this.

The world is self destructing itself bit by bit. The bloodsuckers are ruining everything.

I lay my head back and just relax while the subway starts towards my school.


My eyes shoot open as I hear the squeaky hinges of the subway and feel a jolt in my seat. I glance up to see if we were there yet, but instead I see a bigger problem.

In front of the subway there's five vampires. And they're blocking the track.

"Run them over!" I call to the driver angrily. The driver slowly turns around and grins at me.


My blood suddenly runs cold when the driver's eyes turn red and fangs poke out from this mouth. I swallow thickly and start to shakily make my way towards the exit.

Once I reach the exit I try to open the door, then realise that it's automatic. Based on a button by the driver.


The roof of the subway suddenly crashes and I shield myself as chunks of roof come tumbling down.

I back away as more bloodsuckers pour into the subway. There's no way out. I'm trapped in here.

I gulp and back away until I feel my back hit the wall. They slowly start to inch closer to me.

"Hey you don't want my blood," I say. "It's tastes nasty. It's bitter...and gross." The vampires grin.

"It sure doesn't smell that way..." One says.

"Well it is." I insist. They chuckle evilly. They're starting to close in on me.

But I won't let them take my blood.

I start to kick at them. I kick one in the spot and then kick another in the shin. It's enough to create a gap where I can run.

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