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The Storm

*Yuu's POV*

The sky is darkening over as Mika orders some maids to make us warm tea and bring us heated blankets. I didn't know vampires can get cold, if I'm telling you the truth. Aren't they 'cold-blooded' or something?

I take a deep breath and let my eyes wander over to the heavy clouds looming over us and the thick fog starting to spread among the sky. The wind picks up and smacks against the window mercilessly, causing me to flinch every time it does. The rain patters heavily down, and every now and then a flash of lightening will light the sky.

Thunder booms loudly, and I can only hope that it really is the angels bowling. If it is, that means they're out and aware of my situation and maybe they can make it better. Maybe.

"Darling? You zoned out." I jump slightly at Mika's voice. That was unexpected. I sniffle and bring my knees to my chest, crunching into a ball. I rock back and forth and watch him with cautious eyes. Mika tries to rub my back, but he sees the stress it causes me and pulls back. He sighs.

After awhile, the maids return with the tea and blankets. Mika thanks them and sends them on their way, while handing me a steaming mug and a cozy blanket. I wrap myself in the blanket and quickly give the tea a sniff. Mika raises an eyebrow.

"Is something wrong?"

"N-No." Mika rolls his eyes.

"Yuu, I didn't poison it if that's what you're thinking." I shake my head quickly.

"I-I know."

I didn't.

I slowly sip the tea when I decide that it's somewhat safe. It's chai tea, and it tastes really good, but not in a suspicious way. Phew, I'm safe.

"M-Mika?" I whisper. Mika perks up and glances my way.

"Yes love?"

"I want my friends back." Mika sighs. He should know by now that I will never drop this subject. This will always come back to haunt him and make him feel guilty, even if I have to do it until the day I die. Which...could possibly be soon.

"You can't have them back, unfortunately." Tears brim my eyes again.

"W-Why not?" I whisper. Mika rests a hand on my back and I flinch on instinct.

"Because, Yuu. They're dead." Tears spill down my cheeks and I feel my throat closing. I quickly sip the tea so my throat doesn't permanently close or something.

"Why? Why me?" I whisper brokenly, trying to wipe my tears away.

"You're beautiful—"

"So because of my looks?" All this torture was because he was physically attracted to me? Seriously? 

"No, Yuu. You didn't let me finish."

"Then tell me."

"You're not just beautiful, love. You're everything. You're my life and my happiness. You make me smile without realising it. You're sassy, smart, brave, innocent, and precious. You're funny and absolutely adorable. Everything about you is perfect."

"How would you know?" Mika ignores the fact that I just talked back to him.

"Because. I just do, okay? Don't ask any further questions." I frown.

"Fine." I turn away from him, even making the effort to scoot away. He sighs again and touches my arm lightly. Right on cue, I cringe away from his touch.

"Listen, Yuu. They're in a better place now, correct? They were suffering, my love. I was eventually going to kick them out of the realm. They would've never survived without you."

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