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*Yuu's POV*

Mika didn't take long to make me whatever he was making me. In fact, he must have been rushing because not even twenty minutes later his familiar mop of blonde hair comes poking through the door.

While he was gone in that twenty minutes, I had tried to get some rest. But every time I closed my eyes I would see the visual of Mika losing it, leaning over me with a sharp dagger in his hand. Don't look.

I shiver and push the thoughts away. I don't want to think about that right now, I don't want to think about it ever again. Yet somehow I know this will haunt me forever.

"Yuu-chan? Are you up?" Mika carefully slips inside of the room and closes the door behind him. He has a plate in one hand and a class of water in the other. I nod weakly. He smiles sympathetically at me. "Hey, there, I brought you some food."

He walks over and sets the plate and glass down on the nightstand. He then leans over me and my heartbeat speeds up immediately. I get a whiff of his scent—a delicious combination of vanilla, cinnamon, and amber. I don't know why it suddenly makes my head spin.

He gently lifts me up by my sides and I hiss out in pain when my middle shifts and causes my wounds to act up again. Of course, they never stopped hurting. But at least I wasn't thinking about it as much before.

"I'm sorry!" He exclaims soon after. "I just need you to sit up so you can eat." He leans me against the headboard after propping up some pillows so I can rest against them comfortably. He places the plate on my lap and holds the glass of water for me.

"Eat up. I thought you might want something different than curry, you know?" He made me a beef and vegetable stir fry. It smells and looks delicious, but my stomach churns at the thought of food.

But, I know he'll be mad if I don't eat it so I force myself to pick the fork up and start spooning the food into my mouth. It does taste amazing, just as I expected, but it takes me a long time to be able to actually swallow it without choking it back up.

Don't look.

I squeeze my eyes shut when the words flash in my mind. The goal is to rid myself of these thoughts, but as soon as I close my eyes I see Mika with the knife all over again. I shudder and open my eyes. My green eyes meet a pair of blue ones that hold sadness and concern in them.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, his voice a whisper. I ignore him and instead take another forkful of food.

I know that I shouldn't be ignoring him because he could easily get mad at me with his constant mood swings. However, I'm at the point where I have nothing else to say—especially when his questions are as stupid as that one. Do I look okay? You know, just a torn up middle and all.

Mika bites his lip and stares at me, continuing to look worried sick. He does put on a good show, that's for sure. If he was so concerned for my health, why did he do it in the first place?

"Yuu-chan," He whispers, gaining my attention. I look up at him but my eyes see past him. "I'm so sorry..." He reaches his cold, pale hand out to gently caress my cheek and I flinch at his touch. I don't want him to touch me. Haven't I made that pretty clear to him? He snaps me out of my thoughts by taking a deep breath and then continuing,

"I know you'll never be able to forgive me for what I've done to you, Yuu-chan. But I hope you will understand one day how important it is for you to listen to me, obey me, and behave yourself. The most important thing of all is to follow the four rules I gave you. Yuu-chan, it's rough now, believe me I know. But it will get better if you just obey them, okay? I can't stress that enough. None of this would have happened if you hadn't..."

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