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Two Down, One More To Go

*Yuu's POV*

"Have you learned your lesson yet?"

I stare at the puddle of blood that I left with me when I was crunched on the ground. I continue to watch it as I hear Mika's footsteps descend further into the room. I ignore him, as usual.

The blood in my mouth starts to taste even more sour and like pennies, and I try to spit it out. It lands with a splash on the floor, while the rest drops down my middle.

"Apparently you haven't, since you aren't replying to me." His cold voice fills the silence of the dark room again. Tears well up in my eyes again and I feel them slip down my cheeks.

Don't show weakness. Don't show weakness.

I blink them away and try to focus on something else. Like how my blood seeps into the cracks of the floorboards—

"Hey!" I feel a sharp slap to my cheek. I flinch, but regain my blank and empty facial expression. This is only the beginning of Hell. It gets worse, I know for a fact. "I'm talking to you." Mika growls. His body blocks my view of the blood, but I keep my eyes in the same place they were in.

He kneels down and tries to meet my eyes, but my eyes stare past him. They hold how empty I've become. I hope he sees this and knows that he's the cause of it.

Suddenly, his cold hands cup my face. I tremble, but try to stay firm. I won't let him know that I'm afraid. Although he can probably already tell that I'm terrified.

He brushes my tears away and runs his fingers over my blood-smeared cheeks. He leans forward and presses a cold kiss to my forehead. I lurch away and almost tip over in the chair, but Mika steadies me.

So much for keeping the same position. Way to lose your cool, Yuu. Fantastic.

Sniffling, I turn my head away from him so that I don't have to look at him. Mika sighs and gets up. He crosses his arms and shakes his head, frowning down at me.

"It appears you haven't learned your lesson yet. Should I keep you like this longer? Hm?" He waits for a reply. I turn to stare up at him with empty eyes. After a short amount of time, I drop them and begin to stare at my blood puddle again. He lets out an annoyed sigh.

I hear his footsteps trail away, and he mutters under his breath as he walks out of the room,

"Perhaps I need to be more clear to you."

My heartbeat increases when his footsteps soon trail back to the room I'm in. I'm filled with dread when my eyes meet a terrified Shinoa's. Mika throws Shinoa down on the ground roughly and my eyes widen when he pulls out a sharp knife.

"Let me make this clear, Yuu. I have never been more serious in my life. You need to start obeying me, you got that? Because if you don't, bad things are going to happen, as you can see now. It's not so hard to just love someone, okay? And to obey them. So start doing it to me or we'll have repeats of what I'm about to do."

I shake my head quickly as tears roll down my cheeks at lightening speed. I thrash against the ropes and finally open my mouth to scream. Blood clogs my throat and I choke it up. How hard did he throw me for so much blood to come up, I wonder?

"Stop!" I choke out. Blood drizzles down my chin and then trails down my neck. I don't even notice when it slips down my shirt.

Mika shakes his head at me, making an annoying "tsk" sound. I continue to thrash as he picks up a very terrified Shinoa. I scream louder, which only causes me to choke more. Sobs erupt inside of me and I try to scoot my chair closer to them so I can stop him.

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