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*Yuu's POV*

I slowly open my eyes. What happened? My eyes wander around me and I don't recognise where I am.

I slowly start to sit up but suddenly hands press against my chest and push me down. My head throbs.

"Please, stay put. You'll hurt yourself." A soft voice whispers.

I freeze. It's Mika.

I start to squirm, ignoring my pounding headache. Mika's head pops in to view and he crawls on the bed.

"Yuu-chan, stop."

"Don't call me that!" I shout. "Let me go! I need to go home!" Mika runs a hand though my hair and leans down, kissing my forehead.

"Please, Yuu. Relax. Everything's going to be okay." He soothes. I glare at him.

"You knocked me out you b_!tard!" Mika bites his lip, forgetting he has fangs and accidentally draws blood.

"I know...but please. I do have my reasons."

"No you don't! Let go!" I struggle but his hands press me down.

"If you don't stop moving, your headache will get worse."

"S-Stop! Let g-go!" Mika sighs.

"Yuu-chan, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have hit you so hard...I didn't mean too actually. My strength got the best of me. Please forgive me. I'm truly sorry." He looks at me with his big, blue eyes.

"Let me go." I say. "Let me go right now." Mika smiles down at me.

"Oh Yuu-chan, you're always so sassy. I love you." How the hxll would he know? We just met a few days ago!

Which is exactly why I shouldn't have gone on this date. Why should I have ever trusted a vampire? Them and their tricks up their sleeves...

"Let me to, Mika!" I say aggravated. Mika shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, my love. But I can't do that. You belong here, with me." He smiles again, but this one for some reason looks sadder.

"No! No let me go!" Tears well up in my eyes and then stream down my cheeks. "I have a family! You have to let me go!"

"Yuu-chan, calm down." He starts to rub my stomach with his hands. He then places his hands on my sides. "I can't let you go, princess. I'm really sorry."

"No! NO! LET ME GO!" Now I'm full on sobbing. Mika gently lifts me up and places me on his lap. My head throbs, making me feel dizzy and my vision blur. "Let...m-me go..." I sob. Mika gently strokes my hair with one hand and rubs my back with another.

"Shhhh, Yuu-chan. It's okay. You are mine now, do you understand?" I look away. "Yuu, look at me."

I refuse to.

He cups my face with his hand and forces me to look at him. He leans forward, his lips brushing mine. My heart practically jumps out of my chest.

"I said, you are mine now. Do you understand?" I gulp and my body starts to shake. "Answer me Yuu-chan."

"Y-Yes." I stutter out. He smiles.

"Good boy," He murmurs, kissing the corner of my mouth. I flinch back and he frowns. "Of course you always have been mine."

"W-What do you mean?" I ask shakily.

"Well, we should probably get you cleaned up." Mika says, ignoring my question. He scoops me up. "I can call a doctor to fix up a remedy for your head." He says with a smile.

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