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*Yuu's POV*

"Yes, thank you. I'll take some strawberry champagne please." I tell the waitress.

"And I'll have the blood and red wine combo." Mika adds. The waitress scribbles down our orders.

"Okay, I'll be right back." She hurries away. Mika turns to me and smiles. I reach out and grab his hands from across the table.

Currently, we're in Paris. Countries still exist, despite the vampire takeover. There aren't many humans here, the vampires mainly run everything. But ever since I became queen, I control the way vampires can treat humans.

Humans will never have to live in fear again.

When the waitress returns with our drinks, we both take a sip before Mika begins to talk.

"Mother called yesterday." Mika says, beaming. My eyes widen and I almost spit my champagne out.



We pause to take our food orders as the waitress returns. We are at a fancy restaurant close by to our hotel. It reminds me of the very first date we had, in a way. Except this time Mika is a new person.

A better person.

I look across the table at the blonde vampire. He's smiling as he sips his drink. Things have finally fallen into place for us ever since he proposed to me. And now that I'm marked, I don't have anything to worry about.

We're free. We can live together, eternally.

I squeeze Mika's hands and stare into his blue eyes with my own watery ones. Mika tilts his head to the side in confusion. When he sees my tears eyes, concern flashes across his face.

"Is something wrong?" I shake my head 'no' and let a few tears slip out.

"No, nothing's wrong. I'm just really thankful for you." I whisper. Mika smiles at me.

"I'm thankful for you." He leans forward and kisses me sweetly. When he pulls back, I give him a smile back.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too."


A.N. IT'S THE END! Did you guys like it? What did you think of the ending? Let me know! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed this story! The support has been amazing. I never expected this story to reach so high. We're at over 38k reads! Amazing! Thank you so much. :) I love you guys! xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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