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Changing for the Better

*Yuu's POV*

Hearing those words leave Mika's mouth leaves me speechless. It isn't just the shock that does this to me, but also the fear.

The fear of marriage.

I knew that this would eventually happen, but never in a million years did it cross my mind that Mika would want to marry me so soon. It's only been a couple of weeks...right? Is that how much time has passed? I can't even remember, let alone know what day it is.

Mika is watching me with cautious eyes, as if he's worried he'll shatter me if he stares too hard. I just blink at him.

"W-What?" Mika sighs.

"Come with me, Yuu-chan," Mika extends a hand, and I take it with caution (although I really don't want to). "Let's go for a short walk. I have something to show you."

I allow Mika to help me off of the bed and out of his room. We walk at a slow pace, because I'm too weak to go any faster. Mika doesn't seem to mind, though, so we continue at an easy pace until we reach a door at the end of the hall.

Mika takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door, before pushing it open. He steps aside, allowing me to walk in first.

I have to admit that I'm hesitant, due to some of the awful shit I've seen since being here. But when I finally do step inside, I freeze in place.

Because lying on two beds next to each other in a hospital-style room are Shinoa and Mitsuba. I feel tears flood my eyes and I almost collapse.

"B-But—" I start, but don't finish. Mika steps in after me and stares at me cautiously.

"Yuu? Are you okay?" I turn to look at him with watery eyes.

"B-But—? H-How? Th-They're d-dead?" Mika shakes his head at me.

"I faked their deaths in front of you to force obedience upon you. Then I turned them into vampires and kept them here behind your back. I did this because I could never forgive myself if I took people you cared about away from you permanently."

I can't believe the words coming from Mika's mouth. This is real, right? This isn't a dream?

To prove that this is real, Shinoa suddenly opens her eyes and when she notices me in the room, she gasps.

"Yuu-san!" Tears finally stream down my cheeks and I run to her bed, kneeling down.

"Shinoa!" I wail. Our crying seems to wake Mitsuba up, and her eyes bulge out of her sockets when she sees me.


"MITSU!" I run to her bed and kneel down by her side. "I'm here!"

"Y-Yuu!" She trembles, her red eyes watering. I look between the two, happiness bursting inside of me at seeing the two alive. I can't believe this is happening!

"Are they treating you alright? Feeding you? Taking care of you?" The girls nod their heads.

"Surprisingly, yes." Mitsu replies. I let out a breath of relief.

"Thank goodness."

Mitsu and Shinoa definitely look different. Their features are sharper and more defined, their skin is paler, and their eyes are bright red. But they're still Shinoa and Mitsu. And they're my best friends.

"Does Kimi and Yoichi know that you're alive?" I ask them. Mika steps in and answers,

"I had Lacus deliver the news to Yoichi and one of my trusted guards deliver the news to Kimizuki. I figured that this had gone on long enough."

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