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Breakfast & Shower

*Mika's POV*

I carry the boy down the spiral staircase and into one of the kitchens. I set him down on a stool and start to make breakfast. I have to lean him against the table so he won't topple over.

As I start making eggs and ham for my baby, I kiss the top of his head and run my fingers through his hair. Poor thing. He's going to be so stressed out when he wakes up.

"Everything's going to be okay, okay Yuu-chan? I love you." I walk back over to the stove and finish breakfast. I set breakfast down in front of him and pour him a glass of cranberry juice (his favourite drink), and set it in front of him.

"There. See? It's not so bad here." I say reassuringly to the passed out boy. I pull up a stool and pull the passed out boy against me. I rub his back and finger through his hair. He's so precious.

Suddenly, he stirs. Uh oh. Here we go. Let the screams begin.

He slowly opens his eyes, and I coo at his beautiful green ones.

"Hello, my lovely. How are you feeling?" His eyes widen when he sees me, and a scream escapes his mouth. Luckily, no one can disturb us in here. But I use my powers to close the door with a flick of my wrist anyways.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screams, struggling to get free from my grasp. I hold him tighter.

"I made you breakfast." I say calmly, over his screaming.

"L-Let go!" He sobs. I rock him back and forth soothingly.

"It's your favourite thing to have in the morning. Ham and eggs, with cranberry juice, your favourite drink." I smile. "I bought everything especially for you."

"I hate you!" He sobs endlessly.

"Shhh, don't get all worked up. You'll make yourself sick." I position him so he's on my lap. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his shoulder soothingly. I pick up the fork with some ham and egg on it and gently nudge his mouth. "Open up."

"No." I frown.

"Yuu-chan, don't make me mad. You need to eat. Now open up." He starts to cry but obeys my order and I gently put the food in his mouth. "Chew and swallow." He obeys, chewing slowly and forcefully swallowing. I smile.

"Good boy." I peck his lips lightly, causing his face to turn slightly green. I frown.

I feed him his food and juice before he finally starts to cry so hard that he doesn't want to eat anymore. So I gave up and cleaned up the plates. I then took him to my room.

"We're going to take a shower together." I say with a smile. "Doesn't that sound nice?" He turns away with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Monster." He whispers. I brush the tears away and kiss his lips softly.

"I know. Now, let's get you undressed." I smile and start to undress him. He sobs when he's in his boxers.

"No more! No more!" He sobs. I frown and hug him to me.

"Shhh, relax baby. Don't get all nervous." I gently pull his boxers down and he gives up while sobbing uncontrollably. I smile when I'm done. I kiss his inner thighs, causing him to shudder.

I then strip down until I'm naked. I start the water and scoop him up. I place him in the shower and hop in my self. I close the curtain.

He's sobbing so hard that it can't be healthy. I gently wash him all over, his hair, his body, placing kisses all over as well.

"My beautiful baby, I'm so in love with you..." I breathed.

"We just met!" He sobbed. Okay, so he thinks it's only been about a week or so. If only he knew how long I've really known him.

"Shhhh, relax. Please." I soothed. I washed myself up and then we both got out. We dried off, me having to help him because he was a mess.

After that, I changed and gave Yuu an outfit to wear. He looks sick as his eyes land on the panties.

"No," He whispers softly. I sigh.

"You will wear them, Yuu." He starts to cry all over again and I wrap him up in my arms. "Shhhh, I'll help you dress." I slip the panties on and then my sweatpants on him. They're big but they'll do. I then put on my t-shirt over him, which he drowns in, but it's cute and I love it.

"There we go." I say with a smile as I scoop him and carry him into my room. "That wasn't so bad, right?" He doesn't reply. I kiss his shoulder. "It wasn't."

I then place him on the bed and he starts to flip out.

"No no! Please no! Not again!" He sobs. I blink, confused.

"What?" And then it hits me. He's afraid I'm going to force him to have sex with me or something. Not yet, at least.

I sit down next to him and cuddle the poor, trembling, fragile and small boy to me. I rock him back and forth.

"Relax, princess. We're just going to cuddle, okay? That's all." I soothe him. He relaxes a bit, but not by much.

I cuddle him to me and slip him under the covers with me. I hug him tightly and place soft kisses and love bites all over his neck, jawline, and throat. He cries softly.

"I'm going to give you so much love." I murmur between each kiss and bite. "I love you so much."

He cries harder.

I cradle him and whisper soothing words into his ears, trying to calm him down. He's so uptight and nervous after last night and this morning. I want him to feel comfortable with me, but I can't help it if his sexiness gives me a boner. Not to mention makes me horny as f^^_ck.

"Don't worry about anything, Yuu-chan. It's going to be okay." And with that, we both drift off into a little nap.

At least he'll get some rest.


A.N. Sorry for a long wait! Here's a longer chapter, hope you enjoyed it! Wattpad was down so  :( please vote and comment! I love you all :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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