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*Mika's POV*

I gently stroke the poor boy's hair. When he wakes up I'm just going to let him sleep. He's had a long night.

I lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips. They're so soft and gorgeous. Just like the rest of him.

His eyes slowly flutter and then finally open. I bite my lip nervously, how will he react?

He screams.

He screams and he tries to get away. I left him just in his boxers because, well, he's truly beautiful. But that is only making matters worse.

I pull him into my arms. I stroke his hair and place the trembling boy on my lap. I'm also still in my boxers only, which makes the poor boy panic.

"L-Let me go! You perv! You tried to have sex with me!" He sobbed. I wince.

"Okay okay, but you enjoyed it, right?" I tried.

"No!" He sobbed. I flinch.

"Please, Yuu-chan. Relax. My love, I know you don't think of me that way...but please, just calm down. You're mine after all and having sex is one of the things we will do. Multiple times."

The boy started wailing.

I gently placed the boy in bed and crawled in next to him.

"Shhhh, it's okay princess. Don't worry about that right now. Just try and get some rest, okay?" He whimpers. I sigh. "I know you're nervous cause I'm here and all, but don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. As long as you just try to sleep. And don't try anything, I'm right here." He sobs and I pull him into my arms under the covers.

"Sweet dreams." I whisper in his ear. I get a whimper as a response.


The next morning I slowly open my eyes to see a sobbing Yuu in front of me. I sigh. The poor boy has dark circles under his eyes and probably didn't get any sleep.

"Good morning baby," I lean forward and kiss his nose. He cringes back in fear.

*Yuu's POV*

I cringe back after his soft, cold lips press against my nose. A whimper escaped my mouth.

"Please stay away from me." I cry. He sighs.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, princess. You're mine after all." He snuggles closer to me and I flinch at his cold touch and his words.

"G-Go away." I sob. Mika frowns.

"I'm not going to leave." He says. Tears stream down my cheeks. Greaattt. So basically, I have a creepy, awful, terrifying, vampire king attached to me and claiming me as his, I'm forced to love him back, he's abusing me and raping me, I'm forced to live in his evil castle with a ton of other rotten bloodsuckers, I'm forced to leave my family and my home along with everything else like my education, and overall I've been kidnapped. By a vampire. Who's a king. This is the best.

Mika's frown deepens.

"Babe, don't cry. It's going to be okay." He leans forward and gives me a soft kiss on my forehead. I cringe back. "Please say something. You're morning voice is so sexy." He breathes. I flinch.

"G-Go away." He sighs.

"That's not what I meant. But it still sounds sexy." He inches closer and I wince back. He yanks me close to him.

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