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"I Didn't..."

Yuu's POV

School was torture. All I could think about was Mika. How could I have not realised he's the king of vampires? I mean, I figured he was important and all...but not THAT important. And to think, I let him touch me.

When the final bell rang I was out of my seat in seconds. I hurry out of the room and straight out to the dangerous outside...

And become face to face with Mika.

I jump in shock and he chuckles.

"Hello, Yuu." I swallow nervously.

"Um...h-hi..." He gently takes my hand and presses his lips to it, causing my cheeks to redden. What is he doing??

"I'm sorry I startled you." He says gently.

"Oh? I-It's okay..." I reply. My heart starts pounding. Me taking down a vampire king? I don't think so.

"I just wanted to walk you home, if that's okay?"

"R-Really? S-Sure." He smiles.

"Great. Come along, then." He laces our fingers together and starts to pull me along him. I blush furiously, although I don't know why.

Vampires didn't even come near me. Sure, they stared. Heck, even other humans stared at me. But I somehow felt...safe. With a vampire. A vampire king. What is wrong with me?

Soon, we get to my house. Shinoa somehow got here before me because she rushes to the door and flings it open. She gawks at us.


Mika's POV

A girl flings open the door and gawks at us.

"U-Um...Yuu-san?" She stutters. I squint my eyes at her. Does my precious Yuu-chan have a girlfriend? No. It can't be. I've been watching him since he was born. He's gay. I'm almost positive.

"Um...hi Shinoa." Yuu-chan mumbles. He shifts from foot to foot.

"Is this your um...boyfriend?"

I knew it! He is gay.

Yuu-chan blushes a deep red causing me to smile.

"N-No he's just w-walking me h-home..."

"Oh." She says. I see Yuu-chan start to tremble and I notice that I've been holding his hand for a long time. Oh no.

I quickly let go.

"I better head out now," I say softly. I rub his arm lightly. "Have a nice rest of your day, my love." His heart beat increases. His beautiful scent wafts up to me and I can't help but inhale a little. I can tell that my eyes turned red because his skin pales and he gulps.

"Y-You too." He stutters. I smile at him and then hurry away from his home.

I scared him.

Yuu's POV

"YUU-SAN ARE YOU CRAZY???" Shinoa barks at me. I flinch and shush her quickly.

"Shhh!! He can still hear you, ya know. Super hearing and all."

"YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!" I sigh.

"I know. But what am I gonna do? He offered! And he's the king. I can't say no to the king of vampires. He could kill me."

"I know, but still! This is dangerous." I run my hand through my hair.

"Trust me, I know."

I walk inside and Shinoa suddenly says,

"Why did you tell him where you live?"

I freeze.

"Wait a minute..."


"I didn't..."

A.N. Ooooo :DDDD please vote and comment!! Thank you!! I love you guys :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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