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The Garden

*Mika's POV*

I walk in my room the next morning and see Yuu-chan cuddled in my bed. To be honest, it was turning me on. I felt my pants get tight and I swallowed thickly.

I slowly walk over to the bed. I sit down on the edge of the bed, and start to gently stroke his hair.

"Princess?" I say softly. He slowly stirs and then his eyes slowly open. He seems startled, but then his face flashes fear.

"W-What are you doing here?!" He croaks. I smile down at him.

"Don't worry, I just came in." I say gently. He frowns and looks down. "Why don't we get you in some clothes, yeah? Then we can get you downstairs for breakfast."

"O-Okay." He whispers, looking beyond sad. I rub his arm soothingly and then scoop him up. I hand him some clothes to wear and allow him to shower and change. I had already gotten ready ahead of a time, so I was able to take him downstairs into the kitchen when he was done.

"I thought you might want to do something today?" I ask hopeful. He doesn't reply. "We could go out and walk around the garden? Or we could just cuddle in bed and watch whatever movies humans enjoy?" I offer, hoping he'd say yes to at least one of those suggestions.

"I don't care." He mumbles. I frown. Why is he being so short with me?

"Baby, I know you're mad at me and that you hate me. But I'm trying to make living here fun! You're making that really difficult." I say with a sigh. He looks away. I start his breakfast, leaving it at that.


"Please eat."

It's always a struggle, I swear.

"No." He turns away, being difficult yet again.

"Darling, you act this way towards me, yet you say I'm mean when I demand respect? I don't want to have to punish you and yell at you. Please, work with me here."

That was the wrong thing to say.

Because as soon as I said it, he started to cry. Very hard. Feeling guilty, I go to comfort him, as usual. Why do I let me temper get the best of me? Was I even mad in the first place, or maybe he's too sensitive? I need to be more careful, honestly.

"Baby, don't cry. Come on. I'm only asking for a little respect, that's all." I say softly. But he won't listen. He just continues to cry. So instead, I rock him back and forth and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Soon, he starts to doze off.

"Baby, I don't want to disrupt you rest but you need to eat," I say softly. He doesn't reply. "How about this," I start. "You eat, then we can go for a walk in the garden, and then you can rest. Does that sound okay?" After a moment, I'm about to give up. But then he slowly nods his head. I smile.



After he eats most of the breakfast I made him, I lead him out into the garden. The sun was barely streaming but it made the garden look prettier.

I always liked to come to the garden. I would come here when I was looking to escape this cruel world. I would come here to think about Yuu-chan, and the perfect moment when I could snag him.

You see, the subway incident was a plus on my part. I didn't even think I would EVER find Yuu-chan, but I did. In a subway! That day was the best day of my life.

Thinking about it now, I'm happy that Yuu took the subway to school. If he didn't, I wouldn't have found him. I know that sounds stupid but I was so desperate.

Now I'm desperate for something different. His love. I don't think I'll be getting that anytime soon but I can always try.

"Darling?" I suddenly ask the smaller boy. I didn't even realise that I had been holding Yuu-chan's hand and the poor boy was trembling.

"W-What?" He whispers. I wanted to make a comment about respect to me since I was his ruler, but I didn't. He's too fragile for that.

"I was wondering if maybe this Friday we could go on another date? Just a small one. Don't worry about anything, I can have my servants fix one up. Does that sound okay?"

He just shrugs. But I know what he's really thinking. He doesn't want to.

"That's fine. It was just an idea. A stupid one, if that." I say softly. I stare down at the dirt and kick it around a little as I walk.

I'm sad.

"M-Mika..." Yuu whispered in a shaky voice. I slowly look up, hope inside of me because he's finally taking to me.

"Yes, my love?" I hope I didn't just ruin it by calling him 'my love'.

"If you hadn't kidnapped me and tortured me sexually, physically, and mentally, maybe I would be okay with you. I was before. In fact, I liked you. But now...all I see is a monster." I look away. His words really hurt, but it wasn't just because they were coming from him. It was mainly because everything he said was true.

And it pained me.

"I wanted you to myself." I whisper. "I was scared."

"But we just met..." Yuu frowned.


He can't find out! It's too soon! And anyways, I was hoping he wouldn't find out at all!

This. Can't. Be. Happening.

"Uh...well yes, but...uh...I'm sorry."

That was all I could get out.

But hey, maybe it did something. Because after I apologised, Yuu looked at me.

He had sadness and grief in his eyes.

But there was a spark, and I wasn't sure what it was. But it gave me hope. I know it sounds ridiculous, but at this point I was coven more desperate than before.

And then, as if the spark in his eyes wasn't enough to give me hope and happiness, he did something unexpected.

He squeezed my hand.

Little things like that, well, they drove me crazy.

And who knows! I might have a chance at making him love me.


A.N. I'm sorry this took so long! I know this chapter sucks but I hope you enjoy it anyways. I will try to update soon, but I have a lot of other stories to update. My other two private MikaYuu fanfics are coming along just fine, and I'll let you know when I publish them. Please vote and comment! It's greatly appreciated. I'll try to update sooner this time, but with school work and other stories and laziness and writers block...well...I can't make any promises. :( But I'll try! Thank you so much for reading! I love you all so much!

~Nia :D xoxo

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