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A Date?

Yuu's POV

I force myself out of bed the next day. I head into the bathroom and wash up. I get changed, fix up my hair, collect my school sh!t and rush down the stairs.

"Breakfast?" The telephone pole asks me. "A weak wuss like you is gonna need some sort of energy." I roll my eyes.

"No thanks. I'm in a bit of a hurry, if you couldn't tell." He squints his eyes at me.

"So eager to go to school?"


"Then why the rush?"

"I was almost late yesterday because the stupid bloodsuckers blocked the subway."

"Leave him alone, Kimizuki." Mitsuba huffs. Kimizuki just rolls his eyes.

"Yeah whatever."

"Be careful." Shinoa says as she walks into the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah, I know. See you guys at school."

I step outside and jump in shock.


"Good morning, Yuu." He says with a smile.


"You look lovely." He beams. I blush. He extends his hand out. "I'll walk you to school, to keep you safe." My face is probably bright red. I shakily reach out and take his hand. He smiles and pulls me along. The whole time I'm thinking to myself,

What is happening?!


Soon we get to school and Mika pauses.

"Th-Thank you." I stammer. He smiles. He leans down and kisses my hand softly. I blush and look away.

"You're welcome. I'll be here when school ends, to take you home."

"O-Okay." I turn around to walk into school, but Mika grabs my hand. I immediately turn around to see what he wants.



"I don't want you to be afraid of me. You are very special, I can see it. I like you, Yuu." He says with a smile. I start to shake a little.

"Y-You do?"

"Yes." He sighs. "Anyways, you should get going before your late. It looks like your friend's are here." I turn around to see them crowded around, whispering and pointing at me. I roll my eyes at them. I turn around back to Mika.

"I'll see you after school, Mika." I say quietly. He smiles.

"Okay, Yuu." He says. He then turns around and starts walking off. Students look at him with worry and back away from him. I felt guilty for some reason.


Last period was the worst. I was out of there as soon as the bell rang. I just want to see Mika.

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