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I'll Make You Feel Better

*Mika's POV*

I scoop him up and place him in the tub. I get him a new set of clothes.

I strip down and slip into the bloody water with him. I wrap my arms around his frail and bony waist and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I murmur in his ear.


*Yuu's POV*

I slowly open my eyes and find myself in the same position I was in before. The bed. Except, I can't sit up this time.

I moan out in pain and a whimper escapes my lips. Tears well up in my eyes as I remember what happened. They stream down my cheeks and I'm immediately left with a burning feeling. I forgot my cheeks are messed up now. Or what I should say is my entire body, thanks to Mika.

Mika. I hate him so much. He's a monster! I can't believe I ever trusted him. Before I know it, a sob escapes my mouth. I'm completely and utterly broken from the inside out.

All of a sudden I hear footsteps and I dread them. Here comes more pain.

"Yuu-chan, you're awake." A soft voice says. "Oh no, you're crying..." The footsteps sound faster and then the monster himself sits down on the bed.

I turn away in disgust, but my whole body aches at the movement.

"Shhh, it's okay. Don't cry, it's going to be okay. The doctor is coming now, okay? He's going to fix you up. You'll be as good as new soon." Mika reaches out to touch me but I flinch and he withdraws his hand.

"M-Monster." I whisper.

"Please don't say that, Yuu. You tried to run away. I had to punish you."

I start to cry harder.

"No no, please Yuu. Don't cry!" He leans down and kisses my forehead. I flinch and he frowns. "I know it hurts, but it's going to get better." He whispers. "Please behave. Please."

I don't reply.

"Everything will be okay. Just relax and hold tight. He should be up soon."

I'm feeling too weak to argue with him. I've lost too much blood.


*Mika's POV*

Watching my Yuu-chan in pain breaks me, and the fact that I'm the cause of his pain hurts me even more.

I had cleaned up the place before he woke up, and I had cleaned up the blood with my mouth, and oh my. My princess has the most delicious and rare blood out of all the humans.

That's one of the things that makes him special.

All of a sudden, there's a knock at the door. I quickly get up and open it.

"Dr.Ryuenn. You're here." I say with a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I am. I hope I'm not late, your majesty."

"No no. You're right on time. Come on in." I step aside and let him in. He gasps when he sees Yuu.

"What happened to him?!"

"Uh...a lot." I lead him over to the bed. The poor boy is still crying. I sit down and he tries to inch away but he can't move. "Relax." I whisper to him. He whimpers.

I stroke his hair gently and turn to the doctor who's examining him with his spectacles. The small boy starts to shake at my touch. I frown.

"What do you think you can do?"

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