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Uninterested & Cooperative

*Yuu's pov*

Mika could tell by my exhausted expression that I really needed to rest. So, without bothering me, he allowed me to get ready and crash on the large comfy bed.

I was so tired that I almost instantly fell asleep. But...there was only one problem. I was used to sleeping with someone. Without Mika there, I kind of felt empty. As much as I hated him, I still could barely sleep without him.

"M-Mika?" I called out. Mika popped into his room a moment later.


"Can you sleep here with me?" Mika almost collapsed and had to grip the doorframe for support. He practically choked on air.

"W-What?? You want me to sleep with you?" I frowned as Mika's eyes almost bulged out of his head.

"Yes..." I started to sound less confident, so Mika quickly kept his cool briefly after.

"Of course! Let me just get ready." He retrieved his things from one of the guest rooms he had been staying in a little while ago. He came and then got ready with a shower and stuff in the bathroom.

Then, he joined me on the bed. As soon as he slipped under the covers with me in just his boxers, I instantly regretted everything. What if he tried to have sex with me again? I'd be devastated.

"Yuu-chan?" I cringed at the nickname.


"I love you."

"O-Oh." I choked out. Mika sighed.

"Maybe one day you will love me too." He cuddled me to his chest with a content smile on his face. It seemed like he was only happy because he was imagining his fantasies of me loving him someday. Other than that, he seemed downright miserable.

"You're really close to me." I gulped. Mika opened his eyes from when he was trying to sleep.

"Oh? Is that a bad thing?"


"But...you wanted me to sleep with you. Doesn't that mean touching you?" Okay, he officially got the wrong idea.

"N-No." Mika's face fell even more.

"Oh." He pulled back away from me and inched farther away.

Mika rolled over and brought his knees to his chest, clearly upset. For a king of an entire race of monsters, he sure did act like a teenager sometimes. Well, he really was only in his early twenties maybe. Right? I could barely tell his age, he was too young looking and godly. But definitely older than me.

I sighed. No matter how much torment this boy put me through, he still could always make me feel guilty. I turned around and patted his side. He rolled over dramatically. He sighed depressingly.

"Is there something you need?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes.


"What would that be?" I gave him what he wanted to hear, even though it wasn't true and I hated to say it.

"You. I need you." He suddenly beamed.

"I knew it!" He rolled over fully and wrapped his arms around me, placing a kiss to my cheek. I couldn't help but cringe at that, which left Mika in utter confusion.

"Please don't bug me while I sleep." I begged. I was referencing the fact that he always woke me up to try and have sex with me because the king seemed to always be horny.

"I won't." Mika promised. Could I trust him? Nope.

"Thank you." I said quietly, anyways. I closed my eyes and did my best to try and get some sleep. But with Mika that close to me, it was really hard.

Mika inhaled my scent all of a sudden and I couldn't even believe the life I was living.

What a creep.


Why was this happening to me?

I was sitting on a stool, leaning over an island in one of the kitchens, debating about when I would be able to run away. Mika was currently making my breakfast, while I sipped in cranberry juice. He seemed to be content, thinking I was cooperating because I wanted to be good for him.

But he had it all backwards.

I wanted him to believe that, so maybe he would eventually give me more freedom and I could find a way out of this hxll hole. See? I think stuff through. I'm not stupid, you know. Okay maybe I am since I got myself into this mess. But still.

"Here you go, my love." Mika pecked my nose with a kiss as he set my ham and eggs in front of me on a fancy china plate. "Enjoy."

"Thank you." I said softly. He beamed.

"You're welcome! Anything to make you feel more at home."

I almost laughed. 'More at home'? Was he serious? Did he really think I'd ever be comfortable here? Or even consider it a home? Never.

"Mhm, yeah." Was my response to that. Mika smiled, having a slight glow to him. He plopped down next to me with his breakfast and started to eat.

"So I was thinking," Mika started. I didn't bother to look up at him. "Maybe I should take you out today? There are some shops where I can get you some new things. Even though I enjoy having you borrow mine, I still think you deserve some things of your own. You know I'm going to spoil you, right?" I shrugged, picking at my breakfast.

"That's fine."

"Good! So when we're done with breakfast, let's clean up and head out? Okay?" I shrugged again.

"Okay." Mika's smile faded. He cleared his throat.

"You don't really care, do you?" I shrugged for like, the third time.

"I don't know." Mika saw my lack of interest and stayed quiet. I felt guilty soon after for some reason so immediately said, "I'm sorry." Now it was Mika's turn to shrug.

"It's fine." He got up, dumping his breakfast. "You'll never like it here and you'll never like me."

He left.

I immediately got up and went after him, despite not knowing my way around the castle.

"Mika! Wait." I grabbed his wrist once I caught up with him and pulled him back. "I'm really sorry. I like you, I'm just scared and everything you've done to me...you've tried to have sex with me, you've kidnapped me, tried to force me to love you, and more. Don't I have a reason to be distant with you?" Mika swallowed thickly.

"Yes." He whispered. I took his hand and squeezed it gently.

"I'm sorry. Are you?" He trembled, about to cry.

"Yes." He pulled me in a warm embrace. For some reason, it felt right.

"Good." I said softly.

It was a nice start to our day.


A.N. Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for the long wait. Wattpad is fixed for now but new glitches so I'm trying...Please vote and comment! I love you all so much! :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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