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Sick Measures

*Mika's POV*

I let my senses take me to the first human I smell—that annoying, purple-headed grape. I stop in front of the door and tilt my head to the side. I remember Yuu having such a good friendship with this girl. That annoys me.

I slowly unlock the door, taking my sweet time. Yuu-chan won't wake up for quite some time, and even if he did—he's tied down. Really well.

I swing the door open, and I jump slightly when I see the blondie holding the wailing grape. I straighten up and clear my throat. Not the entrance I was hoping for.

"What are you doing?" I keep my voice as powerful as I can. I had practiced my "powerful" voice so many times before in the past, trying to muster up the best one for when I would take Yuu. Now it seems I need more practice.

"Nothing, 'cause keeping you're us in here!" Blondie yells, anger in her blue eyes. I roll my eyes. She's annoying. Perhaps I should take her blood instead? But just then the purple thing starts wailing even harder, and my anger surges again. I would have actually felt bad for her if she wasn't so annoying.

I clap my hands together, a grin on my face. They both look up with pale faces. Ah, why do I have a feeling that this is going to be so much fun?

"Well, well ladies. I've come to take one of you. It all comes down to sacrifices, doesn't it? And I figured that it would be more fun if I didn't give you a choice of whose blood I would take tonight. So, let's see," I pause for special effect. "Grape head, come along with me." The girl was so offended by the nickname I created that she actually stopped crying.

"I'm not a grape!" I roll my eyes.

"Come with me."

"MITSU DO SOMETHING!" She wails. I stare non-sympathetically at her.

"Can you hurry up? I'm starving."

"Just go! What am I supposed to do?" Blondie looks frustrated. I laugh. How can I not? She seriously took the "it all comes down to sacrifices" thing seriously.

"NO!!! HELP ME!!"

"He's a filthy vampire, Shinoa! What am I supposed to do?"

"THROW SOMETHING AT HIM." Grape head grabs a pillow and tosses it at my head. It softly bounces off of my titanium-hard body and falls to the floor.

"That's one less pillow you have to sleep with tonight." I remark, snatching it away from them.

"Oh great! Look what you just did!" Blondie groans.

"You humans are starting to annoy me and I'm hungry. Now get your a*s over here before I kill you both with no mercy." The girl scrambles over to me quickly. I grab her by the collar of her shirt and drag her down the hall. She screams to her friend but I already closed and locked the door.

There's nothing she can do about it now.


*Yuu's POV*

I wake up immediately to the sound of screaming. It keeps happening over and over again, and something deep inside me tells me that I've heard that scream before. I blink and try to sit up, but I can't. My brain soon registers what's going on around me.

I'm tied to a bed. Mika's bed.

I open my mouth to scream, but then close it, realising that there's no point. Screaming will only attract Mika and I want him to stay away from me. I need to devise a plan.

It was easy when it was just me, but now my four best friends are tagging along and it makes this a lot harder. How do you make an escape plan with five people?

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