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*Yuu's POV*

I open my eyes and find myself in Mika's bed. I blink and try to move, but something's holding me down. No, someone.

"H-Hey..." I stutter out. A familiar mop of blonde hair meets my gaze. Mika smiles and brushes the hair away from my face. I gulp.

"Are you okay? I mean, after what you just saw..." I turn away.

"Not really..." Mika sighs.

"I know."

"What was that?" I whisper. Mika takes a deep breath.

"It's...nothing. Don't worry about it." He kisses my forehead.


"Shhh," He shushes me. He strokes my hair which causes me to tremble in fear. "How are you feeling?" I look away from his mesmerising eyes.


"You're lying." I bite my lip.

"Okay...maybe I am."

"Yuu-chan, I'm sorry. I know I lied to you and I know that what you saw was horrifying." I refuse to look at him.


"Look, I really am sorry. I hope you can forgive me." I shake my head.

"Never. You've done too much."

"Oh, come on!" Mika begs me. I turn my head away even more.


"Please?" Mika cups my cheeks and forces me to look at him. I stare tiredly into his blue eyes.

I'm broken. My friends and I are all broken. Slowly braking one by one by Mikaela and his goons.

"Hey, now. Don't be mad at me. Your friends are being moved up to our floor and back into their guest rooms. They're being fed a nice breakfast. Okay?"

"Please just leave me alone."

"Just forgive me."

"Stop." I turn to look at him with watery eyes. "You've done so much." Mika's face softens and he reaches out to me, gently stroking my cheek with his cold hand.

"I'm sorry..."

"I know."

"But you still don't forgive me." It was a statement, not a question.

"I can't. Not after everything you've done."

"I know. But please try to, for me. Can you do that? Please?" I nod my head because I know I have no choice.

"Thank you." He says as he gets up.

"Where are you going?" I can't help but ask. He smiles at me.

"I'm just going to check up on your friends, okay?" I bite my lip.


"I'll be right back." He promises. Then he disappears out of the room before I can say anything else.


*Mika's POV*

I storm into the kitchen and see the four human morons eating breakfast at the kitchen table. They all jump when they see me enter. I glare at them coldly.

"You're all the reason why Yuu hates me." I growl.

"Good." Blondie remarks, crossing her arms. I hiss at her, making sure that my fangs are on full display...just to scare her. She jumps, to my excitement.

"I can easily eat you up in a couple of seconds." I promise her. She trembles.

"Yuu would hate you!" My eyes darken.

"Never." I growl. She's really starting to annoy me. I wonder if Yuu would mind it if I killed off one of his friends. Just one. That's it. I swear.

"Now shut up you revolting humans and eat your breakfast. I need to make Yuu believe that I'm treating you all well."

"I can't believe you!" Grape-head gasps in horror. "You're evil!" I grin at her, displaying my fangs.

"I am, aren't I?"

"How could you do this!" The smallest with brown hair and green eyes wails. I kneel down in front of him.

"I actually like you. In fact, not counting Yuu, you're my favourite. Try to keep that mouth of yours shut, okay? And you'll stay my favourite out of you four." He freezes, his cheeks turning pink. I get up.

"Now eat up." I say with a grin on my face. I stalk back into my room. Yuu is in the same position as before, except this time he's staring up at the ceiling. He sighs when he sees me enter. I smile at him.

"I'm back." I say.

"I know."

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He shrugs. "Verbal answer, love. I need to hear your voice."

"I guess. What else is there to do?" I bite my lip and pop a movie in. I then walk over and plop down on the bed, snuggling up next to him, under the covers.

"Is this okay?" I ask him softly. He stares at me tiredly and I feel guilty.

"Does it matter if it is or not?" He asks, sounding very depressed. I kiss the top of his feathery head.

"I'm sorry. It gets better, I promise."

"Does it? Does it really, Mika?" He has dark circles under his eyes. He looks so exhausted...

"I promise it will. Just hang in there." I brush the hair away from his face.

He needs to rest.

Discarding the fact that we're watching a movie, I lay him down and rest his head on the pillow.

"You need to get some rest. Okay? Please." He nods his head and closes his eyes, resting instantly. I smile at that.

All he needs is some rest. Then I can start picking up the pace with our relationship. Soon. Very soon.


*Mitsu's POV*

"I can't believe him!" I growl. "He's going to pay for what he did! Once we find a way out of this Hell." Yoichi bites his lip.

"Mitsu, please calm down."

"I can't! And how can you even tell me that! When you're his favourite!"

"No I'm not! Yuu obviously is." Yoichi defends himself. I glare at him.

"You heard him!" I yell back at him. "He said that out of us you're his favourite. That means you have nothing to worry about. Us on the other hand can easily get killed!" Shinoa watches with wide eyes as Kimi stays oddly silent. Yoichi stares down at his lap.

"That also puts a lot of pressure on me." He says softly. I scoff at him.

"Oh, poor you." I say sarcastically. Shinoa taps my arm.

"Hey, Mitsu. That's enough. You're yelling." I pull away from her touch roughly.

"I know what I'm doing."

"Everyone calm down," Kimi snaps at us. "I have a plan."

"A plan?" Shinoa asks curiously.

"Yes, a plan." I squint my eyes at him.

"What kind of plan?"

"A plan to get us out of here. Including Yuu."


A.N. This was a bit of a filler...I'm so sorry! Please vote and comment! Thanks so much for reading!

I'm really sorry it took so long...I just finished two stories so that's why! Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American readers!

Anyways, I love you all so much! :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo 


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