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Mission "Save Yuu"

*Shinoa's POV*

As we walk outside of the house, the moon is already rising and the sky is almost completely black. Cold air whips around us and we all shiver at the same time; an instinct.

"Come on, you guys. We can do this," I say cheerfully as we lock up the house and start our way down the driveway. "Do any of you have the map of the realm?" Mitsu perks up.

"I do." She hands it to me and I unfold it, chewing on my lip as I scan the map. It looks pretty complicated, but we're a smart bunch if I do say so myself so we'll be fine. We can figure it out.

"Great, thanks. Remember everyone to be alert. Who's going first?" I ask. Kimi raises his hand.

"Me. I would like to blast some vamps." He takes his weapon (a gun stuffed with garlic gun powder) and makes shooting motions, without actually shooting. I roll my eyes.

"Okay then. Kimi's on vamp patrol. I'm going to crack this map. What about you two?" I point to Mitsu and Yoichi.

"I'll help Kimi out." Mitsu offers.

"Okay then. And you?" I motion to Yoichi. He thinks for a moment.

"I'll help you crack the map." He suggests. I smile.

"Okay great. Let's move along then."

Kimi takes the back and Mitsu takes the front. They both have their weapons ready in case any vampires are lurking within the shadows. Nighttime was not a good time to do this since that's vampire-happy-hour. But we have no choice now. It's too late so there's no going back.

Mitsu lifts up her pointed steak and glances back at us.

"The coast is clear for now, in the front at least. How's it going back there?"

"Good. We have to make a left here." I instruct.

"Kimi is it good back there?" Yoichi asks. He nods his head.

"All clear. Let's keep it moving though. The faster we can get to the vampire realm the faster this will be over." He says, glancing around him. I nod my head.

"He's right, you know," I say. "Let's move quickly and efficiently." Yoichi nods his head in agreement.

"I think we need to make a right here." He says. We pass a forest and soon we're in a darker alleyway. The streetlights around us don't really work very well, they flicker every now and then.

"I can't see very well." I say with a frown.

"We should've made night vision goggles." Mitsu jokes. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, sure."

"What do we do?" Yoichi asks, clearly worried.

"I don't know." I squint down at the map.

"Another right?" He questions. I take a deep breath.

"Let's hope."

Soon, we find ourselves at a torn down subway. My heart aches as I remember that this is where Yuu-san met that wicked vampire, Mikaela. I frown and walk past it.

"It can't be far from here. I remember Yuu telling us at dinner one time that the realm is close to our school. Mika walked Yuu to school from here."

"We can go to the school and go from there?" Yoichi suggests. I nod my head.

"Good idea. I know how to get there by heart."

We soon find ourselves outside of our abandoned school. The school is obviously closed since it's late. The stars and moon are our only guide of light as we all take a moment to rest and catch our breath. We were walking at a pretty fast pace.

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