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The Oncoming Storm

*Yuu's POV*

When I open my eyes, I find that I'm still in Mika's bed. Only this time, Mika is gone. I don't have time to rejoice that he's not here because just then he comes strolling in, with a bright and confident smile on his face.

He honestly thinks his 'rules' are going to get me to like him. Only in his dreams.

"Hello, love. I see you're awake." Obviously, I think to myself.

He walks over to me and sits down on the edge of the bed. I feel the mattress sink on my left side, causing me to sink towards him a bit. I inch back immediately.

He ignores this action and reaches out to stroke my hair. I flinch at his ice cold touch, and I really want to tell him to get his hands off of me, but I know that won't do me any good. He smiles brightly down at me.

"Are you feeling better?" I want to stay silent, but I know that he'll punish me for that.

I shake my head 'no'. This causes him to raise an eyebrow, his smile faltering, and at first I'm confused. But then suddenly it sinks in and I feel so stupid.


One of his stupid rules requires me to always reply to him with a verbal answer. I take a deep, shaky breath before saying softly,

"No." He recomposes himself and gently caresses my cheek with a soft smile on his face.

"Good boy. I know it's going to take awhile to get used to this, correct?"

"Y-Yes." He seems satisfied.

"But I'll give you a couple free passes as well as a written copy of the rules so you always remember them." Is this guy for real? A written copy?

He pauses, waiting for a response.

"O-Okay." I thought I only had to reply to his questions? Guess not.

His smile widens.

"Wonderful! I think you'll do just fine with obeying the rules. You're already doing so well, that you won't have to worry about any punishments anytime soon—if you continue this way," He kisses my forehead and I cringe. He frowns at his. "Now darling, the easiest rule is for you to love me, okay? So that means that cringing and flinching when I touch you is a no-go."

I already feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"B-But it's a natural reflex..." I whisper. Mika sighs.

"Yuu, don't talk back to me."

Talk back to him? When was I doing that?!

"I know I disgust you, but please do your best not to show it. That may make it easier for you to love me. Just practice, okay? And do your best. I'll go easy on you for the first few days." I feel dread coming for the future. Who knows how long this will go on until I'm free. Will I ever be free?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts suddenly.

"Yuu-chan, you're crying." I blink and then realise that I am crying. Tears are streaming down my cheeks and my body is shaking.

I try to contain my sobs by pressing my lips together in a tight line and I quickly wipe my tears away. But more keeping coming, and I feel like my throat is closing. I suddenly gasp for air and a sob slips out after. I cover my mouth and hide my face in the pillow. This will only cause me trouble with Mika. I need to control my misery.

But I feel a gentle hand in my hair, stroking it softly.

"Yuu-chan, stop hiding your face. It's beautiful," I slowly look up, only because he said I have to do everything he tells me to, and I don't really feel like getting a punishment. "I know this is hard for you. I really wish that I could make it less painful. Please bare with me, okay?"

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