Chapter 7: Just us

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I'm getting ready to go to Central park having a picnic while talking about the speech with Matthew. Sasha hasn't called me yet to tell me she was okay. I'll call her later after me and Matthew are done. I slip out of my pajamas and began choosing an outfit to wear. I decided to wear my Tupac sweat shirt, black skinny jeans and black vans. I slipped the outfit on and stared at my clock. Matthew is going to text me soon so we can be one our way, since I have an hour left of free time I should probably called Sasha. I dialed the number on my phone and her phone rang.

Josh: Hello

Me: Ummm, who's this?

Josh: Its her boyfriend, Josh what do you want?

Me: I would like to speak with Sasha please} Her boyfriend is so rude. I can't believe she dates that guy.

Josh: We're doing something right now so leave us alone and don't call back.''

*Phone hangs up*

Her boyfriend is such a disrepectful and controlling person. Man, I hate his guts, Sasha will do anything for that jerk. If only she let reality hit her, instead of putting love into everything. She's slacking this semester because she rather go to parties and get drunk. God knows what she's doing right at this minute. I'm only saying these things because I'm her friend and I really care about her. She thinks I'm trying to lecture all the time like I'm her mother. A girl like Sasha shouldn't be with a guy like makes me sick sometimes..

I snap out of my thoughts when my phone vibrates. I open the text message and its Matthew telling me he's out in the parking lot. I grab my bag from the closet and stuffed my notebook in it. I make my way to the door and lock it tightly. I make my way downstairs and there's Matthew leaning infront of his car, when he moves I noticed it was a Mercedes Benz. He opens the passenger door for me.

''Thank you'' I said smiling.

He slips inside the car and starts the ignition. He reverses out of the driveway slowly and makes his way to the college exit, gives the security guard his campus card and mountes onto the street. It was an hour drive to get to Central park since we were in Itacha, NY. So that was all the way in Manhatten, where Sasha was, maybe I can ask Matthew to take me to Josh's place when we're done. This was going to be a long ride so I might as well start a conversation.

''So I never knew you had a Mercedes Benz, must of cost you a fortune.'' I said

''Well, not exactly. My father gave it to me, our relationship is complicated so he decided to get me this because when I was a little boy I didn't have much..including a mother.'' He said nervously.

I wanted to know more about his past but I didn't want to push him. I was going to wait until he felt comfortable about telling me.

''Oh I see...'' I said staring out the window.

''My father is a entrepeuneur. He made his way to the top once he left Idaho because all he used to have was a potato farm, but now he can basically buy whatever he wants. He step mother name is Kathy, she's a really sweet woman.'' He said staring at the road.

''Oh wow, that's really good I guess the past changes people. That's how most people overcome being a better person for thier loved ones because they don't want to lose the only person they have.'' I said.

''I'm glad you understand me, nobody did except my grandma.'' He said smiling at me.

'I am always here if you need me probably not after 1am but I'm here.'' I said laughing.

''How about we listen some music?'' I said switching through radio stations. I stopped at a station when I heard the song All of me by John Legend.

''I like this song, I dabble a little with singing but I'm not the best.'' He said.

''Come on, I want to hear you'' I said pushing his shoulder playfully.

''How many times do I have to tell you? Even when you're crying you're beautiful too. The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood. You're my downfall, you're my muse. My worst distarction, my rhythum and blues. I can't stop singing,it's ringing in my head for you.'' He sings perfectly.

''Your voice is so beautiful, I think I'm in love with it.'' I said my cheeks turning ruby red.

''Thanks'' He said smiling.

After an hour drive, we finally made it to Manhatten. This city was so nice. It's the urban side of New York. Matthew was trying to find a parking, so we had to wait for some cars to leave. Finally, a car was pulling out and we got the parking. He turned off the engine and unbuckled his seat belt. He stepped out of the car and made his way to the passenger, and opened the door for me. I stepped and told him thanks. He made his way to the truck of the car to get the picnic basket.

''Ok we got: chips, juice, fruit bowls, water and my favorite empanadas.'' He said smiling.

''Yummy, I never tried empanadas before though.'' I said.

''Trust me, you'll love them.'' He said smiling.

We made our to the park's pathway and looked around to find a place to start our picnic. The park has alot of runners and kids today. We walked a far way and finally we found a place next to a bridge with green pine trees surrounded it. I helped Matthew spread out the blanket on the grass it took a while but we did it. I plopped myself on the blanket and so did Matt. He began digging in the picnic basket. 

''Okay, one fruit bowl for me and one for you.'' He said passing me a spoon and a fork.

Gosh, this was my first time eating in front of him. I didn't want to eat like a starving child like I usually do so I tried eating like a proper lady with manners. I simply stabbed my fork at one of the pineapples and ate neatly. Man, this fruit bowl was good before I knew it I ate the whole thing in one bite. He just stared at me with his emerald green eyes and laughed.

''Wait you have some fruit juice under your chin, don't worry I got it.'' He said taking a napkin and wiping it for me. I just stared at his eyes and how our faces were close.

''Thanks.'' I said blushing a little.

He digged in the picnic basket again and pulled out two empanadas wrapped with plastic wrap. He gave me one and one for him.

''I made these myself, when I lived with my grandmother she taught me how to make them. Its stuffed with ground beef and onions and peppers etc., its kinda spicy so I don't know if you can handle it.'' He said.

''Sounds delicious, I think I can handle it. I eat boiled eggs with tobasco hot sauce.'' I said. I took one bite and it tasted so delicious that it made me what to do a little dance around the park.

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