Chapter 26: Best night she'll ever have

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"Hold still Becca!" Sasha said brushing my hair out

"I'm trying to but don't be so rough." I said.

She continued brushing my hair, it was six and the dinner party started at eight and I know my hair would take forever.

"What color do you want your eye shadow to be?" Sasha asked.

''White and black would be fine.'' I said.

My phone vibrated and I looked at it to see a text from Elijah. When did I give him my number?

''Hey, what was the homework for Mr. Washburn?

I glanced at the text and shook my head. ''To make a model out of toothpicks or spaghetti of a tower.''

''You still talk to that Elijah guy?'' Sasha asked.

''Aparrently..yeah.'' I said sighing.

''Just be careful..'' She said brushing my hair more.

''Are you almost done? My butt is starting to hurt on this chair.'' I said moving around.'

''Just hold still, I'm almost finished.'' She said putting coconut oil at the ends of my hair which made it much softer and curly.

''Okay I am done.'' She said.

She put the mirror right on my face, my hair looked beautiful. I loved how my curls looked wet and silky.

''I love it Sasha.'' I said smiling.

''Good, I wasn't going to do all this work just for you not to like it.'' She said.

''Now it's time to get you dolled up! I'm so excited, I can finally get my hands on that face of yours.'' She said.

I laughed and watched her go in the bathroom to get the makeup box.

Matthew's POV

''You nervous about tonight?'' My roommate Ronald said.

''Just a little I mean my parents and Rebecca are going to be in the same room so yeah.'' I said combing my hair.

''No need to worry.'' He said.

I walked over to the couch and laid on it, just looking up at the ceiling.

''It's just that I want to tell her that...I like her but I always choke every time I look at her. Nothing comes out the way I want it to.'' I said.

''Let me give you some guy advice.'' He said sitting up from his bed.

''Okay, I'm listening.'' I said.

''If you like her..tell her because she won't wait forever. Just tell how you feel deep down in your heart about how its impossible to find a girl like her. If you like her, if she makes you happy and if you feel like you know her then don't let her go.'' He said.

''You're completely right man, I need to stop being afraid and tell her I like her, that I want her all to myself.'Tonight is the night...I'll do it.'' I said.

''Now that's the Matthew I know.'' He replied.

''You never heard this from me, don't tell anyone about this or the guys on the football team won't take me serious like I'm a little sensitive boy and shit.'' He said with a serious voice.

''I promise.'' I said.

''If you do, I'll kick your ass.'' He said with a stern voice. I laughed and he threw a pillow at me.

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