Chapter 15: Bad Vibe

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The sound my annoying alarm made on the week days. I covered my ears with the pillow, ugh I hate that sound so much. I hit the snooze button and just laid there. I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling. It was 8:30 and class started at 9:30. I sat up on my bed and yawned and stretched. I went over to my closet and looked for something to wear. Eh, I might keep it casual for today. Let's see...

I'll wear my floral dress with my kind of over sized cream sweater since today is an important day for me and Matthew. I laid my clothes on my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I did my usual hygiene thing and decided to put my hair in a messy bun. My phone began to vibrate...

It was a text from Matthew....

''Good morninggggg! Want to have breakfast with me?''

I texted back "Sure''

''Okay meet me in the cafeteria in like 10 minutes.''

I put my phone to the side and started to get ready. I slipped out of my clothes and put on my floral dress and sweater. I looked through the drawers, trying to find my red lip stain. I finally found it and went over to the mirror by the door and slowly put it on. The last time I put on this type of stuff was when me and Sebastian was together...

I looked at myself in the mirror and said..''Be happy, being happy is a reward to yourself.''

I grabbed my bag and phone and headed out the door, made sure I lock it. I made my way downstairs to the cafeteria when suddenly.. 

''Excuse me? Do you think you can help me find the physics room? I'm new here and I have no idea where I'm going.'' The stranger said.

''Umm sure, okay you're on the right track. You're going to go start down the hall, make a left then the right. The physics room will be the first door on your left, it has a periodic table on the door.''

'' the way I'm Elijah Latimer.'' He said.

''No problem and I'm Rebecca Smith but my friends call me Becca.'' I said.

''Nice to meet you Becca..I'll guess I'll see you around.'' He said. 

''Okay cool bye.'' I said turning back to the direction I was going.

That was kind of awkward but I have no problem meeting people, everyone seems friendly here. I was almost to the cafeteria, I walked in and I seen Matthew in one of the booths waiting.

''Sorry I took so long..a new student needed some help getting to one of thier classes.'' I said sitting on the opposite side of him.

''Its the way you look cute today.'' He said smiling at me.

'' do too with your blue bow tie and plaid sweater.'' I said blushing at me.

''I know right, I guess we both decided to dress nice since today is a important day for us.'' He said his dimples showing even better.

''Yeah we did, we must have the same type of style.'' I said winking at him.

He laughed. ''So what do you want for breakfast, my treat.''

''Pancakes, eggs, sausage and orange juice would be fine.'' I said.

''Okay.'' He said getting up from the booth.

Just as he left to go get breakfast, Elijah walked in the cafeteria. I kinda didn't want him to notice me but he seen me from across the room. He was walking towards the booth.

''Hey.'' He said.

''Hi again'' I said forcing a smile.

Elijah had a light brown skin with hazel eyes. He was actually good looking with a killer nice smile but for some reason I felt this strange vibe from him. I felt like he was checking me out a little.

''So you here alone?'' He asked.

''No, I'm actually here with a friend, we're eating breakfast together.'' I said.

''Oh cool, is the breakfast here any good.'' He asked. 

''Its good in my opinion.'' I said.

He nodded in agreement. ''Oh okay.'' He said walking towards the breakfast line. Matthew was coming with a tray in his hand and sat down. He placed my breakfast infront of me and got his and placed the tray to the side.

''Who was that guy you were talking to?'' He asked.

''That was the person I was talking about yesterday. His name is Elijah.''

''Oh I see..I feel like I seen him before..somewhere..'' He said looking at Elijah.

''Who knows..'' I said cutting my pancakes.

He shook his head and started eating his breakfast. I usually have a conscience of people I meet or talk to, you have a good vibe or bad vibe. It depends, I just tend to have a problem trusting people but not to get me wrong I trust Matthew of course. After all he had done for me,...why wouldn't I?

''Can I ask you something?'' I asked.

''Sure.'' He said drawing his attention to me

''Do you trust me?'' I asked.

He paused..

''I do actually..I don't usually trust people under a year but you've proven to me that you're worthy of my trust. He said.

''That's good to know, I feel the exact same way.'' I said. He shot me a smile and continued to eat his food, I took a sip of my orange juice. He looked at his watch.

''Its 9:20, we better get going we don't want to be late plus we need to sit next to each other.'' He said.

''Yeah let's go.'' I said.

He grabbed the leftover food and dumped it in the trash. In the corner of my eye I caugh Elijah staring at me which made me feel uncomfortable. I followed Matthew to the exit of the cafeteria. We walked through the hallways of the classrooms till we reached economics class. There were a few people there, but it just didn't feel the same without Sasha. He made our way up the stairs to get a seat, We found one in the middle. 

Matthew set his bag on the floor and pulled out the speech. Me and him practiced the speech together to make sure we had it down pack.

''This part me and you say it in unison, to bring impact to the ending.'' He said. 

I nodded in agreement and saw that students were beginning to take their seats. Than, Mr. Patterson came in and everybody quiet down.

He set down his brief case on his desk and pulled out his rubric as usual.

''As we all is speech day.'' He said in a stern voice. 

 Teresa walked in and started to whisper to Mr. Patterson, he shook his head in understanding and told her to take a seat.

''Okay, starting from the top of the list..Andrew and Kathy you're up. Harry and Ronald you're on deck.'' He said

I watched the two students make their way up to the front of the room and starting to deliver thier speech. Mr. Patterson began nodding his head and writing his notes..He seemed impressed. I know me and Matthew will do well I could feel it in my bones...

Author's note



Hey guys! I was suppose to post this chapter earlier but I was busy so :P Before you know it the chapters are being juicier and so will the drama! :)

Thanks for the support! Bye now :)

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