Chapter 21: Praise of the student body

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I lay on my bed, thinking about everything that happened today. The fight with Helen and Elijah. Everything was just complicated by tomorrow half of the student body will know about everything. I just had a few starches but Helen on the other hand had a black eye.

My thoughts are gone when there is a knock on the door...I get up from the bed and made my way to the door. I open it and Matthew is there.

''Jesus Christ, I heard about what happened. Are you okay?'' He said holding the side of my face.

''I'm fine Matt, its just a few starches and cuts.'' I said reassuring him.

''You mind if I come in?'' He said.

''Sure.'' I said letting him in.

He looked around the room looking at things. He seemed impressed or interested.

''So this is what a girl's dorm room looks like.'' He said smiling at me.

I laughed and laid on the bed. I exhaled and looked at the ceiling.

''I never knew you'd be the violent one. I'm impressed by this. In my eyes you're this innocent girl but you sure proved me wrong. No matter if you have cuts you're still pretty in my eyes.'' He said looking at me.

I laughed. ''Looks can be deceiving..Matthew.''

''Like wow you gave Helen a black eye, how did that feel?..’’ He asked.

"To be feels good but it wasn't my intention to give her one I was just going to slap her around. But I can never compare to you how you fought Josh. " I said.

"That fight was just pure anger so it was hot and heavy. I hope those cuts don't stay long on your face because of the dinner party." He said poking my face.

I laughed.

"Well it's time for me to go." He said looking at his watch.

"Awwwww I'm going to be lonely in here." I said pouting.

"Don't worry I'll text you. See ya later." He said moving my hair from face.

I watched him leave the dorm room. Gosh he is so dreamy.

The next morning...

I woke up and rubbed my eyes, stretching and yawning. I made my way to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. The cuts and starches were still noticeable and red.

I took out Sasha's makeup kit and looked for foundation that goes with my complexion. I found it and rubbed a good amount on my face to cover the cuts.

When I was done it looked like I didn't have any cuts at all. I did my regular hygiene routine.

I wasn't really in the mood to find a special outfit. So I decided to wear skinny jeans, black goodies and sandals. I put all my things in my bag and was out the door.

It was early and I still had time to eat breakfast. I made my way downstairs to the cafeteria.

I walk in to be surprised nobody is paying attention to me. Elijah is sitting at one of the booths talking to some girl. I watch the girl get up to leave.

Elijah is biting his lip while watching she's walk away. Such a skeez ball. I go in the line and place my order, and wait in the waiting line.

He hasn't spot me yet which I'm happy about. I get my breakfast and sit at one of the tables in the middle of the cafeteria.

I'm eating when Elijah sits in front of me.

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