Chapter 34: Be happy

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Becca's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened today..all those things Elijah said to me replayed in my head constantly because I never would have thought he was interested. I am so clueless sometimes. I only knew him for a few months now and he's already telling me all these things...what does he want from me? I wasn't going to let this ruin my relationship with Matthew. If I continue being around him..bad things could happen to the point where it can't be fixed.

Matthew is a really really good guy. He knows how to make smile and have butterflies in my stomach but if I let Elijah get in the middle he'll ruin our relationship. Everything is already complicated as it could be...I'm already hiding my past and thoughts from Matthew when I shouldn't. He's more worried about me than I am for myself. I wanted to make it up to him, to show him I'm happy.

I looked in his direction while he was fixing up lunch for me. I watched his every move and he didn't seem to notice. I smiled a little by how much he cared and worried at me. Just before I knew it, my eyes fell on his biceps and muscles on how they flexed when he moved stuff around. I bit my lip a little. I looked away from him and played with my nails. He walked over to me and placed the plate of sandwich on the coffee table in front of me. I grab the sandwich and begin devouring it too quickly. He gives me a smile and chuckle which causes my cheeks to turn red.

''Why so happy all of a sudden?'' He asks looking curious. I just shrug and playing with the thoughts in my head, but then I don't even understand any more. ''I don't know Its Sunday afternoon, I have the whole day to be with you before we have to go back to the university.'' I said smiling while looking up at him.

He laughs but smiles at me, I haven't heard him laugh for a while which makes me feel all good inside. I just wanted to escape all the thoughts and events that happened today. I just feel a little better knowing that Matthew is there even through the bad times. Plus, I want to be happy before I have to go back to school.

''Its good to see you smiling.'' He kisses my forehead lightly and to savour the moment I put my hand on the side of his check and move until our lips are touching. I let my tongue explore his mouth in the moment my hands grab onto his curls. The kiss is so full of seduction, a moan escapes from Matthew's mouth. I pull back, getting up from the sofa and smile at him as I turn around and leave the room, noticing how confused he looks.

He regains his normal state and he shouts ''Becca, come back!'' before he gets up I rush into the bedroom, closing the door and locking it. I lean against the door and the place grew quiet. I run my fingers through my hair and take a deep breath. Putting my hair in a ponytail, I unlock the door and walk out, just to find him against the wall. As I walk out of the room and close the door behind me.

He walks towards me, as I stand there not moving. I was trying to figure out what was happening. It was just happening so slowly. He keeps walking towards me, his arms crossed over his chest, with the look on his face that is filled with seduction and lust. My heart starts beating uncontrollaby and a rush goes down my spine.

When he gets to me, he doesn't stop walking causing me to fall back on the door. He puts both of his arms on tthe door above my head. His fingers gently touch my lips as he leans in and kisses me. His tongue explores my mouth as if that's if we are stuck together. As my hands grab his hair, he stops them and puts them above my head where his hands glue my wrists. I was shocked and surprised he never did this to me which caused a heat through my body. His lips drift away from mine, only to him kissing my neck softly, he tugs at my skin a little and I know for a fact he was giving me a hickey

Sasha will notice and so will some other friends. But right now, I couldn't care less. When his lips crash onto mine again, I moan escapes my lips, he stops. Our lips seperate and he turns around walking back to the living room, only to give me a wink. There he left me aganist the door left breathless. I touched my neck where he left the hickey. It was warm and tender, I couldn't  help but smile like an idiot.

I go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face. I look at myself in the mirror and shake my head and dry my face softly. I walk out and go to the living room to find Matthew laid out on the couch, watching TV. He turns his head and looks at me smiling. 

''Come and cuddle with me.'' He said. I walk over to the couch and lay on top of him, resting my head on his chest. I listened to his steady heartbeat, it calmed me down. I look at the TV not really paying attention to the show.

''I wanted to ask you something.'' He said looking down at me.

''Yeah?'' I said looking up at him.

''Were you and Elijah running together?'' He said he looked concerned and curious. I didn't want to think about him right now, it caused me to play back everything he said. ''No of course not, he just happened to be at the park.'' I said.

''Oh okay.'' He said paying attention to the TV again. I wanted to know why he asked about it so suddenly.

''Why'd you ask?'' I asked. He took a deep breath and looked at me.''I just wanted to know that's all.'' He said with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

''You don't need to get jealous, I mean you are not in competiton with him. I'm already yours and I will always be yours plus you gave me a hickey you basicially own me.'' I said smiling a little. He laughed which caused butterfiles in my stomach.

I began to think about what Elijah said to me. I didn't know why it was bothering me so much it didn't exactly pose as a threat. I was just thinking about all things I ever done that probably made him like me. I barely knew this guy..he never talked to me other than basic topics. I go back to the time where Sasha told me he already finished college...why was he in college again? The thought was really bothering me.

Matthew must have noticed because he just looked at me. ''What are thinking about?'' He asked his face filled with concern and curiousity.

''Oh nothing, don't worry.'' I said. He looked at me for a minute and simply shrugged and paid attention back to the show.

Author's note



Hey guys! I know its been a while since I last updated a chapter but here it is and I hope you guys like it. Its summer now so no more school for me. That means I will always keep you guys updated with new chapters. Please vote and comment!

Thanks for all the support! I love you guys! <3

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