Chapter 36: My past found me

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Matthew POV

''So you're telling me that basically it was your fault that Elijah grabbed your arm earlier today?'' I asked. She nodded and sighed. We were sitting on the benches outside of the cafeteria, it was raining and there were little students to be found. ''I don't want you to be mad at me because you've told me a bunch of times, that I should keep my distance from him.'' She said looking at me.

I shook my head and looked at her. ''Why would I be made at you? I won't let this get in between our relationship.'' I said. She looked up at me and exhaled, her face went from being worried to relieved. ''I felt so guilty, just thinking about what would happen if I told you this.'' She said. I smiled at her and touched the side of her face. I watched as a smile spread in the corner of her lips. ''There you go.'' I said. She began to laugh and hit my shoulder playfully.

''We should go somewhere.'' I said, she looked at me and shrugged. ''There isn't really anywhere to go, I mean we've been to the movies a bunch of times and other places. ''No not that, I mean we should just go the condo since you and I both don't have classes tomorrow. Its up to you.'' I said. She looked at me for a moment and simply nodded. ''Let me just get a few clothes and other stuff than we can go.'' She said. I nodded and she rose up from her seat and began walking to the dorm rooms.

Becca POV

I stepped inside the dorm and closed the door behind me. I looked around and Sasha was no where to be found. I set my bag on the table nearby, I found a note from Sasha saying '' I went to my parents house for today since they've been dying to see me. See you tomorrow maybe.'' I set the note down on the table. I began digging through my closet stuffing clothes into a sports bag. I sat on my bed and slipped off my wet sneakers and socks. I set them on the floor and a big white envelope caught my eye. It was on the floor by the door. 

I must of have not noticed it when I came into the room. I walked over to the door and picked up the envelope. I turned the envelope over and my name was written on it in bold black letters. There was no sign of address or anybody's name who may have sent it or given it. I walked over to my bed and wiped my footprints off of it. ''Who could it be from?'' I asked myself. I unhooked the string around it and opened it. I pulled out some pictures and a note on top of them. It read:

''Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. The best secrets are the most twisted.''

Those words hit me hard, I didn't know what to think. All I could think about right now was last summer. All I could think about was Sebastian and everything that happened last summer. I was being haunted by it again and I was just starting to be happy. Whoever sent this knows about my deepest and darkest secrets. I moved the note and placed it on the bed. The pictures right in front of me, that was being held in my hands were pictures of me and Matthew. Pictures of us hugging and kissing, of us talking and laughing and pictures of us leaving the condo and the university. 

One of the pictures, my head was darken out with permanent marker and under it read: ''The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets.''

I placed everything back in the envelope and hooked the string back on it and closed it. I rose from my bed and kneeled down, grabbing the shoe box from under my bed. I opened it and placed the envelope in there and closed it. I pushed it back under the bed and stood up. I placed both hands on my hand. I began to have a headache as I paced back and forth around the room. I got snapped out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated. I picked it up and looked at the screen, it was a text from Matthew, he was waiting for me. I placed my phone in the sports bag. 

I slipped on my sandals, grabbed my bag and opened the door. I began walking down to the parking lot. I placed my sports bag in the backseat of the car and sat in the front with Matthew. ''Took you long enough.'' He said while he started the ignition. He drove out of the university and on to the road. I just stared at the window, not paying any attention to him. All I could think about is the pictures and note that were in that envelope. I felt scared and afraid. I felt like every move I make there will be someone watching me. I couldn't tell Matthew or anyone about this. I needed to keep this to myself.

''You okay?'' He asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. ''Y-yeah I'm fine.'' I said. He studied me and concentrated back on the road. I sat back on my seat and played with my fingers. ''I was thinking when we get there, we could order pizza and watch a movie.'' He said. ''Yeah okay.'' I said. ''So like my roommate---'' I drowned out his voice and everything around me. Series of thoughts were my head. I was going back into my emotional state like I was a few months ago.

''Hey Becca are you listening?'' He said tapping me. I didn't feel like talking and I didn't care about what he was saying right now. ''No I wasn't. I'm not in the mood for conversation, I would appreciate it if the ride to the condo was just quiet.'' I said looking at him. ''Well..okay. Are you sure everything is okay?'' He asked looking at me. ''Once again, I'm fine.'' I said looking at the window, I had a hint of annoyance in my voice.

He looked at me, his face filled with confusion and worry. We pulled up in the parking lot of the condo. He turned off the ignition and unbuckled his seat belt. ''Do you want me to get your bag?'' He asked. ''No, its fine I got it.'' I said calmly. I got out of the car, opened the backseat door and grabbed my bag.

He opened the door to the condo, allowing me to walk in first. I walked down the hallway and into the bedroom, placing my bag on the floor. I felt his hands wrap around my waist behind me. I turned around and stared into his eyes. He kissed my neck softly, which caused me to the tense up. He continued giving me kisses on the neck. Until I had a flashback of Sebastian. I pulled him away and he looked at me confused. ''Umm I just need a moment, sorry.'' I said. I rushed to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I leaned on the door and placed a hand on my head. ''Stupid.''I said to myself. 

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I heard a knock on the door. ''Becca, you okay in there?'' he asked. I kept telling myself to think happy thoughts and be happy but it was too hard. I paced back and forth in the bathroom, realizing how stupid I was being right now. He knocked again and I swung open the door. I pushed him against the wall and kissed him softly. I pulled away and looked at him. He began to smile. ''That's all I wanted.'' He said smirking. He walked away and disappeared into the living room. ''If you need me I'll be taking a shower.'' I said yelling to him.

''Okay.'' He said yelling back. I stepped back inside the bathroom and closed the door. I slipped off my clothes and stepped inside the shower. I turned on the shower in my preferable temperture. I just stand there and let the water hit my skin. I go into deep thought about all things that happened today. I just couldn't stop replaying what I saw in those photos, the note and Elijah's words. I wanted to escape my past but my past found me when I was beginning to..

Author's note



Hope you guys like this chapter! Please vote and comment! Thank you for all the support! There might be a sequel of the book, I'm thinking about it but I'm not so sure.

Bye now :)



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