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I climb into Amelia's car, smiling nervously at her.

"Are we doing this?" She asks, looking at me in disbelief.

"We are," I say, nodding my head when I get in. I pull the seat belt over me, pushing it in the slot.

"Mom and dad?" She asks, pulling away.

"Don't know," I answer, making her slam on the brakes.

"What?!" She screams, looking at me crazily.

"Kidding. They said it was fine." I say, looking at her with a 'chill out' face.

"Oh. Okay.." She says, driving away once again.

The drive is silent but comfortable. I watched the trees fly by, and the other cars as well. I didn't stare at anyone, luckily.

I had been thinking about this since school exams had happened, in whatever year it was. Amelia just reluctantly agreed, because she wanted one too.

"Addy, are we really doing this?" Amelia asks, her hands gripping the wheel deathly tight.

"Relax. You'll be fine, and we are." I tell her, patting her hands.

She releases her grip slightly on the wheel and takes a right turn into a parking lot.

"We are here. Addy, why again did you want this?" She asks, probably the tenth time since I told her.

"As a reminder, and because I have to," I answer, taking my seatbelt off. I open the door, stepping out and shove my hands in my pockets. I feel the paper in my pants and smile.

"You don't have to." She says, making me spin around to her.

"You know I have to." I firmly answer her back, my eyes not leaving hers.

"Okay, okay." She says, holding her hands up in surrender.

We walk up to the doors, pulling one of the open, hearing a bell ding.

"Welcome!" Someone shouts from the back, running out of the room they were in.

"What can I do for you?" She asks, walking over to me.

I hand her the piece of paper, as Amelia pulls hers out her paper.

"This is what you want?" She finishes asking.

"Yes, completely."

"If you're sure.." She says, walking over to her chair.

"I'm sure," I say, following her. I sit in the seat, looking over at Amelia. She was biting her lip and twirling her hair. She was worried.

"Amelia, come here," I say, jumping slightly feeling the lady wipe something cold on my arm. Amelia walks over to me, and I grab her hand with my free arm.

"Your sister?" The lady asks. "By the way, I'm Gabriella."

"Yeah, she's my sister. She's also scared." I say, giggling as Amelia smacked me.

"It's normal. I'm sure you'll be okay." She says, looking towards the back. "Johnny! Get out here!"

"Coming! What do you want-" His stopped, seeing Amelia standing next to me.

"Help her sister," Gabriella said, nodding to Amelia.

"O-okay." He stutters, speed walking over to his chair.

"Colors?" Gabriella asks me.

"Just black," I answer, seeing her pull out the tattoo gun. She studied the paper and turned on the machine. It buzzed loudly, and I heard Amelia suck in a breath.

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