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1 month later...

It was now July 15, a month after I had talked to Tiffany.

You don't know about that? I'll tell you.


"Tiffany, I need to talk to you," I say, just as Sofia opened her mouth.

"I'll let you two talk. I need to go find Sal." She says, rubbing my arm and leaving.

"Is something wrong?" Tiffany asks, and I beckoned her to sit down.

"No, it's just..." I paused, taking a deep breath. "At the party, Cam said that some girl kissed him. He was running away too, but I overreacted. I forgot that he was running away from her, and I focused on the fact that someone kissed him. Outside, I was crying to my sister and had an anxiety attack. My sister doesn't know how to handle them, and the only person who's witnessed it was Cameron. Johnny went to go get him, and they both came back out. Once I was okay, I came here. Then Sofia came, we talked. Then Cameron came, and I ran into my bathroom. More anxiety and it made me throw up. I made the excuse that I had to fix my bra. And here I am now."

She frowns, a sad expression resting on her face. "Wow, that's a lot that happened within probably two hours."

"Yeah, and now I'm stressing over the fact that Cameron smiled when you said he was in love with me." I sigh deeply, and she laughs.

"Don't stress it. Just give him time, like you were." She says, checking the time. "I've got to go, but thanks for chatting."

"Thank you too. I'm glad you're a new person, it's nice to see change." I admit, and she nods, smiling.

"Change is for people. Whether they accept it or not." She says, opening my door and waving goodbye.

She was right. People do change. People can change. People will change. No one stays the same forever, it's boring.

It's like that saying: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."

I find that stupid. Some boxes of chocolates tell you what is what. You can choose what path you want to take, you can choose the outcome. The outcome of a choice is based on how you handle it, and how it's progressed. Not by surprise.

Not by surprise. My life is full of surprises now, and I can't imagine what will come in the future. I truly can't.


So that's how the talk went. I'm here now, in complete shock. I sit in the doorway of the bathroom, staring at the small stick in my hand.

Sofia sits on the toilet, staring at the wall in shock as well. I look up at her, just as she looks over at me.

"Is this the most recent one?" I ask, and she nods, her hands covering her mouth. "How did this happen?"

"Oh my god. When I went to find Sal a month ago, we stole my mom's wine. We drank a lot of it, and we were drunk. Addy!" She exclaims, the story more clear now.

"Sofia, who knows?" I ask, calmly.

"Only you and I. I haven't even told Sal.." She admits, and I look at the thing in my hands again. "I truly can't believe this."

"I can't either. Did you just forget to, ya know?" I ask, and she nods.

"I guess. I mean, I don't remember." She whispers, staring at the wall again. "Addy... I can't believe that..."

She pauses, choking on her words.

"You're pregnant, Sofia," I say, and we both stare at each other. We simultaneously look at her stomach, and she smiles softly.

"I'm pregnant." She says, rubbing her tummy.

Oh, how one month can change you.

Sofia's pregnant?! Whaaaaat? I totally didn't have that planned.

Of course, I did. Are you excited? Are you scared?

I'm excited and scared.


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