{t w e n t y}

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I use the tissue in my hand to wipe away the tears and sweat forming on his face. He was actually getting a tattoo, I don't know what of, but a real one.

Luckily, Gabriella said she would do it, and I think he's glad because if Johnny saw him, he probably would've laughed.

Cameron doesn't really take pain well, and when he knows it's coming, it's so much worse. He was getting it on his lower back.

Another wave of pain washed through him, as he rested his head on my shoulder. I stroke his hair softly, trying to calm him down. After a while of doing this, he finally sighs, looking sleepy.

He closes his eyes, the pain finally going away. "Thanks for coming with me, Addy." He drags out, his voice softer.

"No problem, you also kinda dragged me here," I mention, and he nods his head. His hair rubs against my neck, eliciting a giggle from my mouth.

Gabriella eyes me, a slight smirk on her face. "So, do you know why he wants this tattoo?"

"No, I don't even know what it is!" I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air. Cameron grunts, pulling my hand back to his hair. I start to play around with it again, still conversing with Gabriella. "He just showed up, said he was thinking about it, and we left."

"Well, I guess it's similar to yours." She comments, checking the paper again. "I'll let you know when I'm done."

"Alright, Cam my hand his getting tired," I whine, and he grumbles some incoherent words. "What?"

"Just keep doing it, I'm in pain too." He mumbles again, and I decide to mess around. I stop playing with his hair, and he grunts loudly. "Stop pulling your hand away."

"No, I'm good. My hand is tired." I say, putting my hands in my lap. He moves his face around, getting into a more comfy position. Unfortunately, I don't have cushioned shoulders.

"Just do it, it's relaxing." He whines, dragging out the last word.

"You're such a baby." I snicker, poking his cheek.

"Yes, but I'm only your baby." He mumbles, and I freeze. Gabriella looks up at me, shooting me a questionable look.

"No, you are just a baby in general." I shoot back, and he shakes his head. He goes silent, and I look at Gabriella.

The way we were sitting was, Gabriella was behind Cameron for the tattoo, and I was sitting next to Cameron on a chair. It was a weird triangle shape.

I pushed away from him, letting his head drop to which he groaned.

"A warning, next time please." He sarcastically comments.

I ignore him, instead of spinning on the chair with the wheels. "Weee!"

"You are such a child," Cameron says, finally looking up at me. I stick my tongue out at him, and he chuckles. He reaches out, grabbing the chair and pulling me back. This time, I was in front of him. He rests his forehead against my shoulder, his hair still tickling me.

"You shouldn't do that," I say, shivering when he moves his head.

"Why?" He comments, and I feel his face contort into a smirk.

"Cause it tickles? Why else?" I remark, trying to look at his tattoo. "Dang it, I can't see."

"Trying to peek?" He asks, a knowing sound in his voice.

"No..." I trail off, keeping a straight face. Even if he can't see me, he can know what I look like.

"Just because you try to keep a straight face, it doesn't mean you aren't lying." He comments. See, I told ya. "Stop looking for it."

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